It’s Foolishness To Them

By Ken Fletcher

“Some intellectuals think they have it all figured out. Believers in Jesus are thought of as idiots. Isn’t it interesting. This good news is so simple that even a child can understand and receive from God. Yet, here are educated, intelligent, thoughtful people who are in such deception.

They think we are the ones who are in deception. What they do not understand is that God is so far beyond their thinking. And, He completely understands why they are thinking that way. He knows the origin of it all. Just because they do not believe He is real does not mean anything.

I’m a believer. I’m walking with Jesus. I do not want things my own way anymore. I have found that His ways are so much better than my ways. So, I’m endeavoring to keep my way and my own agenda in the garbage can! I want His instead of mine.

Am I a fool? In the worlds eyes, I am. But, they do not know what to do with the miracles that have happened to me. Because, the miracles do not make sense to them. I think some don’t believe what I say is true about the miracles. But, that is their choice. They can have their own way. God will let them. They have a will of their own. And, they will answer to God as we will.

I think it will be interesting to see how they will change their tune one day. As reality sets in to that bright mind of theirs. And, they realize, they knew nothing as they ought to have known it. Well, I don’t want to see that happen in anybody. Neither does Jesus or the Father. We know that it is happening to many. But, we continue to try and help them to get into faith and out of unbelief.

Some think that our faith in God is not scientific. So, we’re believing in some things not right, according to them. Well, I have proved the Bible true in my own life. You need to have that also. I’m sitting here in front of the Lord with such a great confidence. Knowing His Word works. I have seen miracles. And, seeing them everyday! I know he lives! I know what He has done in me and in my life.

So, I don’t argue. Trying to get folks into truth. Really that is each person’s responsibility before God. So, I don’t have any pressure on me to get people in the truth. That is between them and God. But, if they come into contact with me, they ARE going to come into contact with Him. Because of my union with Jesus. So, all the time, I try and stay ready to minister to people I am around.

It is between them and God if they reject Jesus. I know that if they do, it will not be well with them. But, I can’t make anybody receive Him and His eternal life.

It amazes me how developed some people are in worldly knowledge and intelligence. Yet, they are as dumb as a post to the reality of what Jesus has done and to spiritual facts in their lives. We pray and believe that God is bringing them light and understanding. But, will they receive it? Once again, up to them and the Lord.

We have our part to do. They have their part. We can’t do their part for them. But, we can be faithful to love and minister as the Lord directs us to help them to see and understand. Pride is a huge blocker to reality in people. Selfishness prevents them from seeing the big picture in them. So, even the intellectuals, the smart ones, are still operating in deception about themselves. We are working with Jesus for them. What a privilege to work with Jesus to help people.

Well, if you are an intellectual reading this, you probably think this is all ridiculous about Jesus. But, I really hope you will take a hard look at eternity. That is what you are connected to. Whether you realize it or not. That is what you should be thinking about. Understanding who you are as a spirit living in a temporary body that is death doomed. Understanding where you are with your God.

No matter how smart you are, you’re need for Jesus is just as needful as someone who is not as smart as you! To think differently is deception. We all need Jesus! Every one of us! For now and eternity!

Well, I’m wishing you the best. That you will open your heart to God. That you will personally know Jesus for yourself. Talk about a good decision! A life changer! He is there with you now through the Holy Spirit. Right next to you! Will you respond to His love?” KF

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