It’s Correctable

By Ken Fletcher

“How are you hearing from Jesus? He is speaking to us a lot. What are we picking up from Him? Well, if we are not perceiving Him speaking to us, it’s not because He isn’t speaking. It’s because of our dullness of perception! We are the ones who need to make the inward adjustments to get ourselves into the place of clarity with Him.

It is possible to live in close communication with He and the Father all day and all night. The benefits for our lives is huge. To find His perfect will for us is not hard. But, so easy. To flow with Him in life is tremendous! Together doing things or not doing things. Going or not going together.

Don’t know about you, but I’ve decided that I want to be right where He wants me all the time! If I’m supposed to be here and not there, or visa versa, I just want to be where He says. Because, I know, that’s the place of His best. I’m not interested in anything else now.

What are you shooting for, brother and sister? Don’t you want His best in your life? Sure you do! Well, you can know. And, you can have. You and Jesus together. Everyday! Doing it His way! On everything you can! You will be so happy you did. Living with Jesus is amazing! The more you can include Him, the more you will enjoy your day. Because everything about Him is good.

Well, I’m just wanting to know Him better. Because, His ways are the best ways. And, the eternal ways. The ways that really matter for us and others who we touch in life. What a blessed opportunity we have, dear friend. We can actually live in the will of God for us! If we want to, that is. He will not push Himself on us. He is truly a gentleman. And very kind and considerate of our will.

But, really now, we should be hearing from Him for ourselves. Because He is dwelling securely in us all the time. We are constantly connected by the Holy Spirit to Jesus and the Father. We are in the Kingdom now! We should hear Him clear. But, many times we do not as we should. The problem is not on His end.

We can get our hearts right before Him and we can hear Him speak clearly all day and all night. Sharing with us. Helping us. On our level. That’s where we are supposed to live with Him together inside our souls. He wants us to know how close He really is. And, He’ll never ever leave!

Many of our dear brothers and sisters are much too distracted with this present life. Not looking inward much to fellowship with the Master and share with Him. But, are all wrapped up with various things happening in the natural realm. What’s happening is partial blindness. It is happening now in most of the church.

When each of us should be hearing clearly from our Lord, most of us are short circuiting His signal. And, dull of hearing. Thick of perceiving His words in our spirit. But, the good news is, it is correctable! And, it’s up to me and you to do it.

I believe that it takes a strong desire within our heart. The desire for Him to take all of who and what we are. To really take our lives and show us His will for us. That is where it all begins. The desire for a close communication with Jesus. That desire will take us there, I believe. I just want to hear Him clearer and more often, if possible. That is so valuable to me. I hope you also will see the value of what I have been talking about. I believe it is priceless! But, it’s what you believe that makes the difference for you!” KF

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