It’s A Growth Journey

By Ken Fletcher

“If you learn who you really are in Christ, things truly will be different. You will learn how to live from the inside out. No longer trying to live for Jesus from the outside in. Just being who you are in Him–understanding how He has created you in union with Him, gives you proper perspective.

More and more as we grow in understanding we find out who we really are. Not the outward part that is focused on the outward realm. But, the inward part that is in union and infused with God’s Spirit. That is who you and I are who belong to the Lord.

We are part of the family. And, we are created perfect in Christ. So, that’s who we are! Do we look at that? Do we keep our focus right on that? Well, I hope you are learning as I am also. Each of us are in different levels of understanding with the Lord. But, in each of us, He is bringing us into the knowledge of Him.

When we see and understand Jesus, we can understand ourselves. If our focus is on Him inside, we can see and perceive correctly the outside things. Without proper perspective, we are unaware of the real things and can be deceived like others.

The idea is to think like Jesus thinks. About ourselves, others, circumstances, and what is going on here in the matrix. Others are blind to the truth of Jesus. Perceiving ourselves correctly by focusing on Jesus inside gives us clear understanding. Of things eternal and things temporary.

What IS really important? How would you and I know? By keeping our focus on the Lord inside, we can see and perceive things correctly. I’ve got a long way to go, but I’m not where I was.

I hope you are getting more and more revelation on who you are in Christ. You and He together. Always! A blend. Your spirit with His Spirit. Created perfect. Sealed by His Spirit. Preserved for eternity. Always with God. One with Him! That is who we are! We even look like Him!

Is your identity found in your outer man? Is that how you see yourself? By the outside? Or do you see yourself like Jesus sees you? Well, I am growing in understanding of how He sees me. I hope you are too!

It really is a journey. A growth journey. But, what I have found out is wonderful. And, I know what I am going to find out as I grow is also going to be wonderful. Because the more you know Jesus the more you can know yourself. Who you really are. Trust me, you are much more than you realize now!

Lets endeavor to look inside and spend time with the Master. Let Him instruct us. As we do, we will go from glory to glory in our faith!” KF

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