By Ken Fletcher

“You can knock around in the natural your whole life. Go from thing to thing. Busy with this, busy with that.

Thinking in terms consistent with the wrold’s thinking. Just rolling along. Working. Moving. Doing. Like a robot almost. Same thing day after day. Maybe praying for a few minutes. Maybe a little Bible reading. Rushing to be there on time. Thinking about all the different things involved. Day after day. Month after month. Year after year.

Until you awaken to realize, your life is pretty much spent. What did you really accomplish? A bigger bank account? Bigger house? Nicer car? More stuff? Well, what you have REALLY done is increase the amount of stuff you leave behind! Humm… Does that make ANY sense?

But that IS what most folks are doing down here! They are all caught up in the rat race of the fallen material realm. Deception flows through it. But, folks are so engrossed and caught up in the middle of all the input from the matrix that they are blind to it’s deception. That is what’s happening.

Well, that just doesn’t do it for me! Others can roll along with that if they want. I want a higher purpose to manifest in my life. I want it all to mean something when everything is said and done. Don’t you? Lets begin looking at stuff from an eternal prospective. From a REAL perspective! From God’s perspective! What REALLY IS valuable?” KF

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