I’m With Him

By Ken Fletcher

“Maybe you’re wondering if God’s Word is right or not? If you are, then you’re wondering if Jesus is real or not. The Bible is a book that reveals to us spiritual truth and facts. Even in view of the many voices in this present world that say it is not true. Yet all of those prophesies predicted in the Bible hundreds of years ago have already come true. And, more to come to pass soon. But the greatest of them all are the ones concerning Jesus our Lord. His arrival on earth reveals the gift of God to us all. Jesus truly is the greatest gift ever known. He was given to us by God revealing His great love for people everywhere. All who put their faith in Jesus will receive eternal life. Jesus died for us. He carried all the wrong that separated us from God. He rose from the dead victorious over it all and became the Lord of Eternal Life to everyone who believes. Of which I am one. To get to experience Jesus inside is the thrill of a lifetime every day. The peace. The love. The closeness. We’re part of the family now. It truly comes down to a matter of faith in the Word. Doing the Word. Believing the Word more and more. What this means is you lean more about this blend we have spiritually inside with the Lord. You live in it. Maybe you’re still trying to figure out why we believe like we do. It’s because we are convinced of the truth of it all. Because of believing it and receiving it. We know it’s so in our own lives. The world has twisted things around so much in many people’s thinking. So much so that they are confused about many things concerning God and His Son Jesus. They have been told lies about what they are like. About why Jesus came. All kinds of untruths have been spread around about them. But, I believe what Jesus said. I’m with Him. Wherever. Whenever. So, my wondering is over. I truly do wish for you to know Him for yourself. You have probably been told some wrong things about Him too. Why don’t you give Him a chance to show you what He’s really like? Open your heart to the Lord. He is there now with you through His Spirit. Why don’t you call on Him now? He will hear each sincere call. He is trustworthy. He is honest. When He says He will hear you, He will. And does. So friend, what is stopping you from being right with God? The answer is, nothing! Just you! Because God has given you Jesus! Will you receive Him?” KF

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