
By Ken Fletcher

“If we can encourage someone today. If we can lift them with a reassuring smile. If we can pray for someone’s healing today.

People in this life are being beat up with strife, hate, sickness and disease, emotional and mental issues, lack of material things, huge family problems, maybe problems with the devil, and many other things.

If we can help put them in touch with Jesus–if they will crack the door, we can help them. I have this thought sometimes: If they only knew Jesus, He would direct them to the solution for their lives.–No matter what they are dealing with.

The good news is, since we are one and unified with Jesus, He goes everywhere we go. And, we have Him right here on sight when we talk to them. We can be led about what to say or do for them.

We get to minister with Jesus! We get to see miracles! We ARE involved with Him to help them! It is a great privilege! If they will allow us, we can help to put them in touch with the One who can really help them!

I’m believing for more opportunities every day! This is also a reminder for you to believe for more opportunities to be a blessing to those you are around. Never forget who you are! Never forget Who you have inside!” KF KenFletcher.org

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