I Never Knew You

By Ken Fletcher

“Where are you really with God? Not based what some man or woman has told you. Not based on anything you have done. Down deep in your heart. In your soul. Where are you really with Him?

Do you know Jesus? He is God’s Son who was sent for us all. If you have accepted Jesus through faith, you are accepted by God. Only you really know inside where you are with God. Others cannot know like you know.

Listen friend, it is important that you know inside, and that you are certain of your relationship with God. Because many who think they are right with Him are deceived. They do not even belong to Him. Even some people who go to church. They are not His.

What an amazing thing. That a person can hear about Jesus and yet never know Him. That is why Jesus said at the judgement there will be men who say they did things for Him. His reply is, I never knew you.

My friend, you want Jesus to know you! You want to know for certain that Jesus is in your heart. That you and He are connected inside! His life is your life. Really, the only ones who knows these things are you and God.

I want to be known of Him. I want to know that I am doing things that are according to what His will is for me. I ask Him sometimes, Lord, is it now as it will be when I stand before you in that day? Personally, I do not want to be doing things that He does not want to do in and through me.

So, I ask Him often, Lord do you have it all? All of me and what I am and what I have? Am I going the right direction here? Am I where I’m supposed to be? Right now, is there anything I need to change? We can know the truth about us. We can know exactly where we are with God. He will show us. IF we really want the truth about us.

There is so much deception going on in this life. So many false teachings about God and what He is like. People can really get confused. But, in a person’s soul, if they get to really looking for what is real inside, where they really are in front of God, they can find the truth. The Holy Spirit will show them each one.

There are ministers who will slant the truth of God. Simply because they do not really know Him and what He is like. They are following after someone who told them wrong before. If condemnation is present in what they teach, then we should be alerted that it’s not really God.

The Holy Spirit convicts, or you could say, convinces people of where they really are with God. He will show them the truth, if they really want to know. Some folks want to stay in deception. They want to keep their demons. They like it there.

Will the Holy Spirit be able to show them where they really are with God? By their will they make their choices. Will they hear Jesus say in that day, I never knew you? Will you? I pray that you receive Him now. Today. Give it all to Jesus. Let Him have all of you. Make sure you know now where you stand with God. Do not be deceived. Your works and what you have done good means nothing to God without Jesus. Where are you, really, with God?” KF KenFletcher.org

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