How Things Really Are

By Ken Fletcher

“Most people are living this present life only from the perspective of the natural realm. Not understanding the most important part of their being. Their soul. Which is inside their eternal spirit. The body means nothing without the soul. And, the soul lives forever because it is spirit.

Understanding this, what parts do you think are more important? The temporary or the eternal? Yet, where is the focus with most people? On the temporary! That which will pass away. And, the eternal is not realized or maybe ignored. Too busy with the material realm. That is the blindness that exists now with humans all over the world in our time.

There are many that are coming to the Lord now. Which means they are waking up to some things. Understanding is coming to many. Yet, the vast masses are blind. The Lord gave us the visual aide of the 1999 Hollywood movie, The Matrix. Which I believe is a modern day parable of what this present fallen world is really like.

The real truth of what is happening is much more horrible than the visual aide of the movie is. But, it is very much like the movie in a lot of ways. So, if you have or have not seen the movie, please watch it with spiritual eyes. And, receive understanding from the Lord about it.

You know, people are living infatuated with this natural realm. I have been too in so much of my life. Not even realizing that I was not perceiving correctly the other realm I lived in everyday. That’s the kicker. We all live in 2 realms all the time! Whether we belong to Jesus or not. Yet, most are not even aware of the spiritual part of themselves or the spiritual realm. Which means, they are flying blind in that part of their being.

Now, the blindness that exists in our perceptions of the world is the direct result of the fall of man in the garden of Eden. Man’s perspective and focus changed when death entered into the perfect man and woman and the perfect natural realm. Before, they were very much aware of who they were spiritually. So much so that they did not even think about the fact that they were without clothes on their bodies.

All of that changed when death entered. The focus changed from the inside to the outside. And, so it is today. People are doing things that, in reality, is distracting them from the truth–with so much going on in the natural. And, everything is geared with the focus on the natural realm.

Now there are those who are doing some spiritual stuff. But, not the Lord Jesus’ way. Their experiences are real. But, without the Lord, it is very dangerous. The enemy is hoping that more people will delve into spiritual things without Jesus’ protection. Because, satan is a master at deception. What may appear to be good, may in actuality be a set up of the con artist, the devil.

I would not recommend anyone doing anything spiritual without Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Being with Jesus is one thing. Being without Him is another thing. Him being with us means the Greater One is with us. There is nothing to fear now. Being without Jesus means there is plenty to fear.

Well, the truth of the matter is, God wants us to be wise doing, planning, material things in this natural realm. But, He is first. And, He is Spirit. So, we need to keep first things first. He is above all else. Is it that way in your life?

I do not want to live in the blindness–In the dark about reality. I want to know how things really are. The only way I know is through revelation of the Word of God, and the Spirit of God within us. There we will find the truth. Because God is truth. Which means, God IS reality!

Isn’t it amazing! Here is the Creator of the material realm, and most of the created people are oblivious to Him. Amazing! But, there is the blindness of perception. Plus, the willful denial of God is happening everywhere also. The enemy is doing His best to keep people distracted from the truth. They do not even know the devil is involved at all. Yet, it is he that is behind the momentum the world is racing in now to destruction.

People are just believing the lies. Now, from my perspective, at my older age, I can see how the masses are swept into a way of thinking that conforms things into the direction satan wants things to go. And, trust me, it’s all about control and regulation with him. The electronic age & the power of the media and the internet changed everything. The electronic tech age. It brought instant connectivity to the world.

But, the scriptures must be fulfilled regardless of your or my interpretation. What will we see in the natural in the days to come? Well, we want to see people awaken to their condition before God. And, to understand reality in themselves.

Not some untruth masked AS the truth. But, the real thing! And, that is, their need for Jesus! Just like us all! But, because of the blindness of perception–the blindness of understanding, they do not know where they really are. Just like all those masses of people in those generator pods on the matrix movie. These ones in the real world need to awaken to reality of where they, the soul, REALLY are!

I am very passionate about getting people to know Jesus. He is the most misunderstood person in the world, I believe. Why is that? A lot of it is religion’s mis-representation of Him and the Father.

Many times when I speak of Jesus, the other person immediately thinks about religion–what their concept is of that–what they have been told or taught about Jesus–their interaction with some one religious. And, most of the time, it is wrong. Because, man has got in there and messed up the true pure truth of Jesus.

He is for everybody! Now! And, everyday! And everybody can have His eternal life! Now! And everyday! And, it’s all free from God to them! They would be free! But, do people perceive it so? No. In general, they do not.

So, whats the problem? Blindness of reality, my friends. Who brings reality to us when we’re in a blind state? The Holy Spirit. I am believing that more and more people will awaken to where they are though the Holy Spirit working with us and through us. And, through our interaction with them, they can begin to see and understand too!

I believe every day I am planting seed in people. Seeds that lead to other things that are coming up the road for them. Seeds that come to bloom out later. I believe those seeds are planted in faith in the people and that God will touch them and bring them into reality. That is my prayer.

I am so thankful for Jesus. Now that I know the truth about Him, I cannot imagine my life another way. I cannot imagine being apart from Him. That would be unimaginable horror! No. He has assured me, we will never be apart. And, what He and I have, every person should have with Him.

Invite Him into your life by faith. He is near to you now through the Holy Spirit. With all of your heart reach out to the Savior-The Lord Jesus. Call on Him. Receive Him as your Lord. You will never regret receiving His love and His free gift of eternal life. Blessings!” KF

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