How Close?

By Ken Fletcher

“How close do you perceive Jesus is to you? No matter what your perception happens to be, Jesus is accessible to everyone! Anyone anywhere who believes and receives Jesus is accepted by God and becomes right with God. Faith in Jesus will set you free!

To the believer, how close do you perceive Jesus is to you? In reality, there is no one closer at any time! He is in you. His life is your life. The truth is that you and Jesus are blended in one through the Holy Spirit.

How close is it that you perceive Him to be? Believer, He is in your very thoughts. But, do you perceive it? Much of the dullness of hearing the true thoughts of Jesus is due to our heart (our soul) condition.

To hear Jesus clearly and having confidence in what you hear is based upon your transparency and yielding to Him–holding nothing back. Exposed before Him. All in. It is at that place of honesty and humility before Him that brings us to the place of hearing clearly the true words of Jesus in our understanding. He ever abides in the soul of a true believer. Never to be apart again! Praise God!

Hope you will join me on the new upcoming series, One In Him, beginning October 5, 2024. We have much to talk about. How close is Jesus really? I can tell you, regardless of your perceptions, through His Spirit, He is much closer than you realize now! But, it comes down to what you believe is reality about your union with Jesus,” KF

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