His Plan Is Greater

By Ken Fletcher

“People have said I’m weird. I guess in the world’s eyes, and religious folk eyes, I am! My view and my relationship with Jesus is not traditional. Though I am now seeing things differently than I used to, I know my Lord so much better than before.

I’m seeing through the real of things in this life.because of my relationship with Jesus. People don’t think it is possible to have a relationship like I have with Jesus. I did not think it was possible before a few years ago either. I was surprised about it happening. What He has opened up to me. Or rather, what I allowed Him to do in me. He wanted it this way all the time before!

After what He worked in me, I was so amazed at it all. I have been seeing Him do things ever since. I hear Jesus clearly now. Where before it was more difficult for me to perceive what He wanted to do in many situations. My friend, if you can get to the place where you are being led by His Spirit in more things in your life, the better off you are going to be!

Since Jesus wants the best for you already, why are you holding out on Him with your will? We can get so selfish sometimes! What WE want. What WE think. How WE are seeing it! How can we get past all of that selfishness thinking? Because, His will IS the best thing! No doubt!

No matter what you may think, He’s got more! But, the sad thing about it is, people don’t realize what they are passing up. It’s almost like they just don’t know any better how to live!

Listen believer friend, you had better understand that Jesus’ will for you IS greater! Greater than you can see. And, you WILL NOT see it like you should until you come to the place of complete surrender to what HE wants to do in and through you! Why? Because you are focusing on your own plan and your own way!

But, realize this, in doing it your own way apart from His will, you are leaving on the table what could have been. What you could have seen with Jesus. Others were affected also. Those who you might have helped and touched with His love. Are they worth it? To go and do what Jesus wants us to do? Yes! Of course, they are!

But will you get to be involved with Jesus or not? Well, it’s up to you what you do with your life. You are much more than just a natural man or woman. You are eternal spirit.

Do you see things right with your own plan? Nope! You can’t! You see only what your limited perceptions will allow. BUT, if you give it all to Jesus to lead you in everything, through faith, you can perceive what He wants you to do, and you can realize and perceive the perfect will of God for your life!

But if you hang on to your own way, Jesus will let you have it your own way! Which He knows is much less than He had for you.

As I write tonight, I am praying that the Lord would guide you into His best. I pray that God will show you how to receive and turn your life over to Him to take control. Jesus take the wheel in these precious reader’s lives tonight!–From now on!–Leading them right into victory every time!” KF KenFletcher.org

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