Hearing From Jesus

By Ken Fletcher

“There is so much unbelief in this world. We believers are to live by faith. Faith in what? Faith in what God says. Faith, not only in His written Word, but in His spoken Word in our hearts.

If you’re a believer, you have the Spirit of God. You ARE His child. You should hear from your Father all the time. You should hear from Jesus. You have His indwelling Spirit in your spirit now. Instant. Ever abiding. Never leaving. What is your perception of this union you have with Jesus and the Father?

The Bible says that the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. We’re born of God! If the Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God through faith in Jesus, the Spirit will communicate with us about other things also. It is through the Holy Spirit that we are instant with Father and Jesus all the time! We are one.

Are you hearing from Jesus like you should? I don’t believe that I could know something like that inside of you. I know where I am on it. But, what’s important is that you know that you’re hearing from God about life for yourself.

I think that I was frustrated about that for years. I knew that I had His Spirit in me, but to hear from Him accurately was a problem. I had to pray about things for days and sometimes weeks to hear from Him about it.

But, now I know that more was available to me. I’m so thankful. It’s my prayer that you hear from the Lord so clearly on things touching your life and your family. What a difference it makes.

As we’ve seen on the Know Thyself series, there are many things that can block our perception of the true word of God in our hearts. And, we’ve seen the things the Lord showed me about how to position ourselves to be led by Him in even the small things in life.

I can’t speak for anyone else than myself when I say, this is a really big deal. In my life, this is the biggest deal. To live for Jesus. To hear from Jesus all the time about things touching my life and my family. I want to be in His will. I want His best for me.

So, I want to keep myself in the place where I can perceive His leading clearly. I pray that you, dear reader, will position yourself into the place of hearing from Jesus about your life. Even in the little things. You’ll find that the more you can yield to Jesus the better off you are going to be. Thanks again for reading my stuff. Hope it helps you in your relationship with the Lord. Blessings!” KF KenFletcher.org

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