Healing Is God’s Will

By Ken Fletcher

“Throughout history, God has provided physical healing for His people. In Exodus 15:26, God said I am the Lord that heals you. It belongs to His covenant people, then and now! We have an unbreakable covenant with God through the Lord Jesus.

Healing belongs to us now also as it did in days gone by for His covenant people. There are many examples of healing in the Bible. Many of them are with Jesus Himself. What is it based upon? Faith!

Jesus demonstrated that faith is what is at the core of the miracles and healings. I believe the word. I believe it is true. Even if I don’t understand it. I believe it’s true. I believe the account of Isaiah 53:4-5 pertaining to Jesus. I believe 1 Peter 2:24 that by Jesus’s stripes we were healed. He took the penalty for our healing on the whipping post before the cross.

Through faith in what He did, we can be healed. Many believers are suffering from various conditions when all the time Jesus paid for their healing. What does that mean? It means that God has provided a way for us to be healed in our mortal death doomed bodies while we are here. It means that our healing is important to Him.

Some think that His will might be for them not be healed of their condition. That is false. It IS His will. And, it is for every body. You must get that settled in your heart. Whatever you are suffering with, it is God’s will for you to be healed. It is all throughout the Bible. It is for all who are in Christ. And, also for those who are not in Christ who will allow us to pray and believer for them.

I believe when I touch someone and pray, Jesus also touches them in and through me. It is a privilege to pray with people–especially with unbelievers. Why do I pray? Because I believe in the good will of God for them. Where did I get that confidence? Through study of His Word and listening to Jesus inside.

I was healed of permanent nerve damage in over 2/3rds of my body just over 2 years ago. I received my healing based on these scriptures: Isaiah 53: 5, Matthew 8:17, 1 Peter 2:24, and finally, the application of the basis of truth of the Word, Mark 11:23.

By faith I spoke to the damaged nerves. I got better and better and in a few weeks, noticed in my body the change happening. What doctors could not do, faith in God’s Word enabled me! I received what Jesus paid for with His own blood on the whipping post for us all. It was not just for me. It was for you too!

What is the breakdown? Doubt! We have got to get the doubt out of us! We run it out by meditation in the Word until we are completely full of faith–full of believing the truth of what Jesus did and why! Not just a knowledge of what He did, but a complete believing in our heart. Then, we can act upon the word in faith!

Putting the truth into motion in our lives. One thing about this is, God never changes. It is His will for you to have healing or else He would not have gone by the whipping post to pay for our healing. As we see in the scriptures we have been talking about, physical healing for our bodies is also part of redemption.

God thought it was important enough for us to have it in this life. So, He paid for it for us to have it! He is the constant. We are the variables. He never changes. So, when it comes to our healing, it is more up to us. What do we want? We know what He wants. It’s what He did! What do we want? Are WE willing? Are WE going to do what it takes?

Friends, it’s not works that will get you healed. It’s faith. And through faith you can receive if you are willing to run the doubt out, stay in faith, and refuse to have it any other way. Then, at that point, you and God are on the same page. By believing God’s Word and acting upon it by faith, we can be healed and live in divine health.

There have been times I have missed it. But, I’m learning to respond by faith to the words of the Master inside. I am learning to listen to Him and make adjustments. I’m endeavoring to stay on His path to healing.

I just read an article earlier about how polluted our food is now. With all the processing and chemicals, etc. Even plastic particles, etc. in our food. I was thinking, it sure is a good time to have faith in God’s word. Of course, we should do what is right in choosing the right foods, but, even at best, the atmosphere is permeated with fallen realm crap.

Jesus knew this is what we would be in down here. We can get in faith about all this and also do natural things. Listen, we all have missed God in these areas. But, what a blessing to know we have healing in Jesus!

We can do something about it. We can get into the word and fill ourselves up with faith and healing scriptures. We can act upon them in faith! We can believe God and receive what He has already paid for us to have.

There is no question about it. Jesus paid for our healing! The question is, what will we do with what He did? I’m sorry to say that some folks are too lazy to receive healing. They want it to just fall on them without them doing anything. Though faith is not works, the work of faith is rest. Rest in the truth.

Though sickness and disease are facts, there is greater truth. Higher truth. This truth is faith. Absolute faith in our heart (our spirit) will bring results out here in the natural realm. Doubt fluctuates. Faith is constant. Unmovable. Standing on God’s Word in spite of the symptoms.

We must get full of believing! Full of believing God’s word! Full of doing God’s Word. Will it bring you out? Well, I can speak from first hand experience, it will! What the doctors could not do, Jesus did in me! And, I am here now because I have experienced real healing by faith in God’s Word.

What He said He did, He did! And, our part is to believe and recieve what He has already done. What God has done by His grace, we receive by our faith. We receive our faith from the Word that tells us what to believe.

Doubt will keep you out of the blessings that are already yours. But faith in God will bring you into His provided reality in your life. Jesus is greater than any sickness or disease. He lives in us. Shouldn’t we be asking Him what we should do? Then, why won’t we do it?

Perhaps you are a victim of wrong teaching in these areas of faith and healing. I was at one time also. But, by God’s grace many years ago I became enlightened to the truth of what the Word of God says concerning bodily healing. I thank God for that. Because, I would not be here right now writing this to you.

It’s the doubt that gives us problems, friend. That is the breakdown from receiving our healing. Many times, listening to a great faith and healing message from an anointed minister can help to turn the light on inside. Encourage us. Bringing answers and solutions to what our problem is. I know that in my life, this has been very important.

What needs to happen in us is we simply need to believe what God has said about it. Then, believe and do what God says do. Like Mark 11:23 for instance. Jesus showed us the way it works right there at the dead fig tree. But, people want to believe something else. Well, that is their business. I am staying with what I know is true–what Jesus said!

There are people who want to argue about this subject. Why? Well, I am not going to argue this with anyone. If they want to know God’s will, they can read for themselves. If they want to argue about it, then that is their business before Him. One thing about it, if you want to argue about this, well, go ahead, you won’t have any problem NOT receiving healing. But, that is up to you!

I am making my choice God’s Word! I am endeavoring to live in what He has provided. I believe that it honors Jesus and the Father when we believe and act upon His Word. I hope that I have given you some food for thought tonight. Maybe some solutions. Maybe some light. I gave you some scripture references tonight for you to read and think about. But, regardless, I hope that you will receive your healing. It is God’s will for you to have it! KF KenFletcher.org

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