Healing For Everyone!

By Ken Fletcher

“I tell people. I was healed by faith in God’s Word. From that permanant nerve pain. And, from all it’s effects on my body. How did it happen? Nothing changed in me but the pain kept getting worse. That was until I started doing my faith. Practicing God’s Word. Speaking to my mountain. Everyday! God’s power was in my believing His Word and my doing it. The nerves began to change. Each day, it was just a little bit better. And, day after day I walked with Jesus right out of it all. Did I do something amazing? No. I did something that anyone can do. I teach that. Anyone can do what I did. And, apply it to thier situation. The problem is, right off the bat, people don’t understand how faith works. They don’t even believe that it is remotely possible to be healed by faith in God’s Word. The amazing thing about it is that It’s available to everyone. It’s God’s will to heal them of whatever it is they are dealing with. The breakdown is not in God’s will. It is constant and never changing. The breakdown on not being able to receive is faith. Our faith in God. More specifically, our faith in God’s Word. What He has said. Believing what He has already done. Learning how to act on it in our lives. Making His truth so in us. We have so much to do with how things turn out for us. Anyone can decide to fill themselves with the Word of healing and miracles. Anyone can practice Mark 11:23 like I did. Anyone! But, what will they do? They will do what they believe. That’s what! Well, once again, anyone can CHANGE their believing when it’s messed up and cross-wise of God’s Word. But, will they? Here is one thing I have seen over the years. People do not ESTEEM the Word of God as their solution. They just don’t believe what is written is relavant to what they are experiencing. They have no trust in what is written about their healing. Or, maybe they have never heard that Jesus took stripes on His back to pay for them to be healed. But, people in general don’t believe that faith in the Word will bring them healing for ther bodies. So, they go on trying to deal with things naturally with doctors and medicine, etc. Not realizing that this is available. Well, I’m on here telling you that it is. And, it’s for everybody. No matter how bad the case. It IS possible. It is a worthy study. Doing the Word brings you into miracle territory. Faith in God brings the victory. We’re not trying to muster something up here. We’re trying to grasp something that God has already done for us. He thought healing was important for you too! Not just you! And, He did something about it. He sent Jesus. Jesus is ours. All He did is ours. Because God gave it to us. Why don’t we esteem what He did? Why don’t we learn how to receive what He has provided for us through Jesus?” KF

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