Healed By Faith

By Ken Fletcher July 25, 2023

“Less than 2 years ago. After months and months of pain, prayer, and searching for my path to healing. After they had run multiple tests, my body kept getting in worse and worse condition. After a while, It seemed obvious I was going to die the way I was going down physically. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t hardly eat. Weak. Hurting. Trying to get some releaf–even just a little. I could not do anything. Could not go anywhere. The pain would not let me. A real bad situation. The doctors did all they knew to do. I realized they did not have a solution for me except surgeries–which they did not know if they would really help me or not. They said my condition was permanent. After a long time seeking God, through the pain, I finally got an understanding of what I was doing wrong. With my previous understanding and teaching of the Word, I should have realized where the problem was. It was in my mouth! I was NOT speaking in faith to my permanently damaged nerves. About the time when I saw what I needed to start doing, I came across a commercial on TV. It was by a large retail shipping company. The commercial was talking about how they constantly were striving to improve their services. They had a saying on the commercial that stuck in me. It said, “Every Day Better”. I said, “Yeah! Amen! That’s me! Because of Jesus, I believe that!” As I was hurting real bad, I started saying, Every Day Better to myself, as a general statement of faith over my body all the time. The really important thing I did was, I began to implement Mark 11:23 in my life. And by faith, spoke to my nerves when the pain hit each time. Each time that I spoke, I pictured in my heart’s eye brand new nerves replacing where the damaged ones were. I believed this as I spoke every time. Slowly, my body began to change. Everyday, I began noticing, it was just a little bit better. Not quite so many pain attacks. And, as the days past, and I kept speaking in faith directly to the nerves, I indeed was actually experiencing, “Every Day Better”. As I kept practicing and doing the Word, I was delighted to see it actually coming to pass in my body. I did not let up on the nerves. Each time, I would hit them with the Word when the pain would hit me. The Word won! The damaged painful nerves lost. They had to go! Months later, I stood pain free with no trace of the previous condition I was living in before. As the Lord showed me how, I came off all those pain meds they had me on. So, I was completely free of the pain and all those meds. A miracle! My doctors have no explanation for what happened. I am living a normal life now. I can go or do anything I want now. Where before I could not do anything. After loosing so much weight quickly during the sickness, I’m now trying to keep it from reappearing on me! My apatite is definitely back! It sure is great to be healed and well! I would recommend it for anybody! I am so thankful to the Lord for showing me the corrections I needed to make. Maybe you’re reading this and you are dealing with something like I was. It was so hard for me to live in that kind of pain. But, Jesus will show you the path to your healing. Just like me. It’s all in His Word. It’s faith in His Word and practical application of the Word right into your body. To receive healing from the Lord, you must know what our Savior did on the whipping post. How Jesus took our sickness and disease with those deep wounds cruelly inflicted on His back. He shed His blood for our healing. Yes He did! He suffered great pain and humiliation. He endured it all when God poured it on Him. Yes He did! The Bible says He carried them away from us! He did it all for us! He did it for US for NOW in this time on earth. Read it for yourself in Isaiah 53, Matthew 8:17, 1 Peter 2:24. Jesus did all that was prophesied about Him by Isaiah in God’s Word. He really carried all those sicknesses and diseases so we would not have to carry them on earth. Jesus really did take the curse of sickness and disease on Himself for us! God wants you well. For that to happen, He has already done everything on His part. What remains is our part. We are the receivers. And, we receive by faith. So, the first thing you have to realize is what the Lord has already done. Find that out from the Word. Meditate on it’s truth. Long and complete. How ever long it takes. Stay on it. Until you are totally and completely convinced in your heart. Totally persuaded! No doubt! Focus on the truth of God’s Word. Make it yours. Jesus has already paid it all. By faith in what He did, we receive it for ourselves. Mark 11:23 & 24 or Matthew 21:21 & 22 is important to implement our faith into action. Speaking and doing is action. Being a doer of the Word always puts you in miracle territory! You can expect things to change when you are in faith and practicing the Word. Make that sickness leave! You do! God has already moved on it all. His will has already been accomplished through Jesus. You’re not waiting on Him! It’s done as far as He is concerned. How is it as far as YOU are concerned? That’s what matters in your life! It’s about you. God is already ready to go with His power! But, it’s up to you! What are you going to do about it? Just deal with it naturally the best you can? Or will you dig in to the truth of what Jesus has done and deal with it through faith. Listen friend, you need to be in faith no matter what you do naturally or other wise. Be in faith about the doctors, procedures, medicines, foods, and everything. Get God’s direction on all that stuff. Don’t be spending your time watching I Love Lucy on the TV when you should be studying and meditating on God’s Word concerning your healing. That’s what is important! Wouldn’t you agree? Yet, even though that is what is most important, many believers are not focusing on their solution. They are watching sports or news or the new movie that came out. You think they are going to find or realize their solution for that sickness they are suffering with that way? Nope! Then, they’ll wonder why God is not healing them. Hello? Is anybody home there? Stop and consider where you are and what you are doing. And why! Many times, it’s simply a matter of understanding of where you are in faith. You can change. Just like I changed what I was doing. I received my healing based on what Jesus did over 2000 years ago and my faith in what He did. I simply began to do the Word in Mark 11:23 and applying it to my damaged nerves. I made it work! I made the Word work in my life! God has already worked. Now, I make it work through faith! You too! God’s Word will work for anybody! So, you make it work in your own life! What are YOU going to do about that thing that’s on you? God’s already moved and showed us His will on the subject. Our part remains to be completed. It’s my prayer that you receive what the Lord has done for you. I pray that you will find out what Jesus has done, implement it, and receive His healing by faith into your own body. Be free in Jesus Name!” KF

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