He Sees For Us

By Ken Fletcher

“To most, life is all about what is happening in this natural realm. But, not so great of percentage of people know more of what life is really all about.

Anyone who does not consider that they are a soul which is spirit is not considering everything! They are only seeing and perceiving the material realm and their relation to it. But, what about their soul?–The person who is inside running things. That person is the real eternal person. Because, after the body dies, they are still who they are! Just not with a fallen body anymore.

The question is, what family are they in? God’s? Do they have the life of Jesus inside? That is the important thing! And, these are spiritual and everlasting truths. But, are most people aware of what is really going on in the spirit realm? No. Unfortunatly not.

So most people are blind to truth. Blind to reality. They are blind to the workings of the enemy in their lives. How can they submit themselves to God when they don’t even know they are spirit beings?

It’s the blindness of this present fallen world. God wants us to see! To perceive what is going on in the spirit. We can see through Jesus. Through faith in His leading, we are guided through the stuff that we cannot see. He sees for us!

How much do you trust Jesus? Really? I’m convinced that one cannot see the way things really are without Jesus. He is the truth! He shows us the way! I am so glad that I know Him. I want to trust Him more and more.

Do you think of Him as your leader in everything? We should learn that His ways are the best and highest ways we can attain to in life. Because, His ways are eternal ways. Those plans are better than our own plans for ourselves. Do we believe it? If we do, we will reach out for what He wants. And, leave our plan in the dust. Everything about Him is amazing! It is an honor to do things with Him.” KF KenFletcher

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