Happy In Jesus

By Ken Fletcher July 20, 2023

“Some folks get mad because we’re so happy in the Lord. It kind of shows up what they are living in, and accentuates the difference between where we are and where they are. If they only knew, they could live positively and in faith too–And, be happy inside–IF they would turn it all over to Jesus. That’s what a lot of folks DON’T want to do. And, so, they keep having it their way. Then, they get mad at us for having our lives given to the Lord. Well, I say if a person doesn’t like where they are. Then move! Move to a better place. I don’t care where you are, you can move into Jesus! You can have a different life. A different way. His way! Stop being mad at people who are blessed because they’re in the Lord. Get IN on it! If it’s good, don’t you want it for your life? What or who is stopping you? You should resolve inside of yourself that no matter what he, she, or it is, you are going with Jesus from now on. Period! Then, let the other things fall in line as they may. Stay with Him, and, the next thing you know, there’ll probably be some folks who will get mad at you too because you’re so blessed and happy in Jesus.” KF

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