God Is For You

By Ken Fletcher

“People think God is against them because of what they do. They do not understand how He could be FOR them. How He could love and accept them as they are.

They have been told lies about Him. All over the world. These lies have been told to generations. Listen, God is not mad at anybody! His grace has been freely given to all through Jesus. God is NOT against you! He is all for you! When nobody else may be, He is! This is how He is to us now, because of Jesus.

So, if you have been thinking that God is against you. Think on the truth. He’s not! And, He wants a relationship with you. Because, He loves you and looks past all the other stuff. He’s all about your good, my friend! Oh, yes He is! So, with your whole heart, as you are, receive Him and His free gift of eternal life in Jesus! Welcome to the family!” KF KenFletcher.org

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