God Doesn’t

By Ken Fletcher

“People who say that God requires you not to sin to stay right with Him sin every day. It’s funny! God has dealt with the sin problem. He is done with it. He does not condemn us. Yet, the devils and other people do. Wonder why? Because they want you to feel like a piece of crap because of your performance. For various reasons. None of which are good.

God wants you to focus on the new creation who you are. To see yourself like He sees you. He wants you to understand who you really are. Is Jesus focused on your sin? Think about it? Do you think He really is? I can tell you that Jesus is not focused on your sin. He carried all of them on the cross! You are forgiven because of Him!

Quit allowing people and devils to put condemnation on you. If God has forgiven you through Christ, then who are they to condemn? Especially since they themselves do the same things they say you shouldn’t do! What a bunch of garbage!

I thank God that He is not really the way they say He is. Their’s is a fear based understanding. You feel condemned? That is the worst. I found that if I miss the mark in some way, I’m my own worst enemy. I condemn myself. Beat myself up sometimes. Because I felt bad about it. But, listen, we can’t stay there.

But, that is what the devil wants us to do. To focus on the negative. Puff it up. Make it seem larger than it really is. Keep looking at it. Look how you missed it. Look what you should have done. And, on and on. Usually on a loop in our minds. Does God do that? Of course not!

We need to act like Him in situations. Forgive ourselves and move on in learning His ways. Learning how He sees us. Focusing on who we really are. We are not condemned like others. We are the forgiven and blessed of the Lord. We are the Father’s very own!

So condemnation preachers, get a clue on reality with God! He has set us free from condemnation! We are blessed along with Jesus.

Even if we place ourselves in the devil’s territory, God is not condemning. Because, He sees through all the deception. And, He understands why you ended up in the devil’s territory.

It’s certainly not a good place for a believer to be. Because, we can be hit by the enemy because of our disobedience. God does not want us to be hit by the enemy in any way.

So, really, the reason He does not want you to be there is because it will hurt you and your family. That’s it. No condemnation from Him about it. Oh, but look out for others and the devil. Here they come at you with all of their opinions and viewpoints. All not God!

I have found Jesus and the Father are so encouraging all the time. They are positive! Always thinking about our best. Yes they are! And, if we will awaken to the truth about our amazing relationship with them, we can understand about what Jesus has really done in us.

When it comes to disobedience and sin, we have got to get a focus change on who we are. The other stuff that is not of God will drop off of us like dust off of our shoes. It’s all about what we focus on that makes the difference.

The solution to staying out of disobedience and sin is simply looking at who Jesus has created. This new creation of God. Unified with Jesus! Look at who you are now! Keep looking. And, then, keep looking. And, then, your understanding changes. And, you begin to see what Jesus sees. The things you thought were so great before pale in comparison in the light of who you are with Jesus!

What sin problem? It all dissolves in the pure light of His truth with us. It’s all about our focus! Are we looking at ourselves as perfectly created souls in a fallen sinful body? Because, that is who we believers really are!

Sin has no dominion over us! Jesus has set us free! We are complete in Him! We are Father’s very own. We are for Him and He is for us! And, always walks with us. Through thick and thin, Jesus will always be there for us.

Ever abiding within. That is our true Savior, Friend, Lord, and older brother, Jesus. He is an encourager. A blesser. A giver. A lover. A provider. A healer. A constant guide to our steps. Always leading us into His perfect will for us. Faithful in every way. One thing that I have found out about Jesus and the Father. They do not condemn.” KF KenFletcher.org

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