Glad Even If It’s Bad

By Ken Fletcher

“I see folks every day that are sad and mad. I understand. It’s a really messed up world with lots of bad stuff to deal with. Some things are very hard for people to endure.

I don’t think I need to list all of the fallen realm crap that humans have to deal with in their fallen bodies. Jesus came to help us in every way. Spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, etc. He has ministered to the whole man.

He even understood that these bodies are temporary, and yet shed His blood to pay for our healing on the whipping post. He took the crown of thorns on His head where He shed blood for peace for our minds. He hung on the cross and let them torture and murder Him for our sins. In these areas and more, payment was made by the Son of God for us!

He understood about our situation. Even though some of what He did was for THIS present life on earth, He did it anyway! It was important to God that we have peace in our minds and healing for our bodies right here and now in this world full of crap. We obtain what He did for us by grace through faith! How are we believing this? It will make the difference when sickness or disease hits you. Or an injury. Or something tough to deal with in your mind.

Maybe there is no peace inside. Maybe only troubled thoughts and anxiety or depression. There is a solution that is not in the natural realm. It is spiritual. It’s faith in God. Faith comes from His Word. So, maybe you are not in His Word enough about it. You need to fill up with the truth of what Jesus did for us! Until there is no room for anything else inside. Then, change can begin.

You can believe and receive from God. He will also speak other helpful directions to help you get and stay in faith. God is our solution! Everything we need is in Him. It will flow out of His Spirit into our spirit out into our bodies and minds. Aren’t you tired of being sad and mad? Hey! It’s time to get glad! Look what Jesus has done for us! A whole lot!

Even though stuff sometimes down here is tough, we can walk it out in faith and see Jesus get involved! Then, we can see miracles! So, the bad stuff becomes an opportunity to see God move in our lives! I want to get stronger and stronger in faith. Until I am so solid on what Jesus paid for that I do not allow anything else in my life. I’m trying to learn how live in a higher percentage than I have been. One thing I know, I do not want to stay in any unbelief and allow it to rob me of what Jesus gave me. I hope you feel the same way.

We have to be real stubborn about faith and healing against the sickness. But, I have had enough successes that I know it is attainable. It can be done! Some believers are doing it. And living in it. Because it is theirs. Well, it’s ours too! And we should learn how to do these things by faith in God’s Word. Well, I’ve told you what I am committed to do. I really hope you are heading in the same direction.

Just living in the course of this world with no faith against the things Jesus paid for is not a smart thing to do. We should embrace all He did. It honors Jesus. It honors Father. They are so pleased when we receive that which Jesus paid for for us to have here on earth.

We should stop being sad and mad. We should be glad even if it’s bad. Because we know that we have a solution for these things. It’s faith in God. Believing what God’s Word says and acting upon it causes that which is written to manifest in our lives. We are so blessed to have received the truth. Let’s honor God and receive everything that Jesus has provided for us all.” KF

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