Give Jesus Access

By Ken Fletcher

“My friend, whatever negative thing you are facing in life right now, I want you to know, that Jesus is available to you. Right now! He’s as close as someone can be. He loves you. He understands completely your situation. He wants to help you. To point you in the right direction. To give you wisdom in the midst of your hurt or frustration.

He’s close. Will you look to Him now? Give your life to Him now? Give the situation in total to Him now? Why not? Release all those things that bind and stifle you to Him freely. That is faith in Him, my friend. Allow Jesus to have control. You will find peace and direction.

Doing this will cause your life to change to one of dependency upon Jesus. He WILL lead you into victory, healing, abundance. Solutions to your most perplexing problems are no problem when you can understand His solutions for you.

My prayer is that this post will cause you to think about where you are. To encourage you that there is an answer. The best answer. Jesus is for you, my friend. Not against you! He is the best way to approach anything in life.

Personally, I want to hear from Him on things. I like doing things His way. They’re always better than mine! I feel like I have not known some things about Jesus in the almost 50 years prior to March 9, 2022. Since then, I have seen much more of what He’s really like. And, He’s not the religious Jesus most people know about.

He and the Father are all about family. They are all about relationship and sharing–all the time in everything we touch. We are in fusion with Jesus. He ever abides. No matter what. No matter when. No matter how.

He is with you there now. In the spirit realm. Why don’t you reach out by faith and allow Him access to your life. He is nothing but love. No condemnation. He only wants to heal you, lift you, bless you, give you His peace and wisdom to help. It’s up to you. No matter what it is, I hope you will seek Jesus.” KF

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