Get The Real Truth

By Ken Fletcher

“Are you listening, believer? Listening to the voice of your Lord inside of your mind? He’s there. Speaking. Encouraging. Leading. Bringing truth and understanding about where you are in life. Where you really are. Not what may be appearing.

You know friend, you have to believe you hear Jesus inside. You have to trust in His leading for you. Some folks are not sure if they are hearing their own thoughts or Jesus’ thoughts. So, there is some doubt present. Which hinders our receiving. Even when it comes to His thoughts to our thoughts.

In life, you can prove out what His leading is verses what your thoughts are. You can find out. But, it will take faith and trust in Him. So, it comes back to a close relationship with Jesus. Loving Him. Knowing Him. Trusting Him. Giving all to Him. Then, we know we are true before Him. And, we can get the true clear word from the Master on things in our life.

When we are believing what He says to us, we can live in faith instead of worry and fear. Our foundation is on His word not on the apearant circumstances. Can we stand in faith on His written word? Certainly! As we should always do. Can we stand in faith over His word spoken in our mind? Yes! Most certainly we can.

Learning to live this way is an on-going practice. Just never give up. So what if you missed hearing His word correctly inside. I have too! Many times! But, I am getting it right more and more. Lets keep practicing what we know is true and right before Him. And, learning how to precisely hear clearly His direction and wisdom about things in our lives.

I believe that living this way will cause God’s perfect will to come to pass in our lives. I believe that hearing clearly from Jesus individually inside we can be directed into eternal things. Hearing clearly from Jesus means that we will see miracles.

It means He will personally direct us into what needs to happen for us to be healed and well. He’ll show us step by step. Yes He will. So, what I’m talking about here is vital for living in victory in this life. I’m talking about living by faith in what Jesus says about everything we can. Because He will show us His best if we look to Him. No matter what comes in life.

How important is this? Well, pretty important since it touches everything that we touch in life! If you’re not hearing from the Lord like you should. Do a check up from the neck up, and from the neck down! See where you are before Him. It’s a worthwhile thing to do. I do quite regularly. I need to know where I am before Him. And, you do too!

So, lets stay after it. Lets hone in our faith senses and focus on Jesus inside. Then, regardless of how things may appear on the outside, we can get the real truth of the matter straight from Jesus.” KF

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