Get Smart!

By Ken Fletcher

“In my life, if Jesus wants it, I want it. I’m actually getting smarter as I go along. Why? I’m figuring out that Jesus’ ways and approach is better. Imagine that! Could it be actually better in my life if I went His direction on everything? My goodness, friend. What a difference it makes in everything. And, it’s been my experience that in everything I have been able to get His leading on, it has been amazing! So much better than I could figure out for myself. But, you know, if one is not willing to live this way, Jesus waits and encourages them the best that they can receive. He is so kind! But, the idea is for us to get smarter. Invite Him to get involved in everything we are involved with. The more we can do that, the better. Because he has so much to share with us. He enjoys leading us. He enjoyes being involved, even in the little things, with us! He wants to show us a better way of doing things. But, are we open to it? That is the question. This thing we have with Jesus is an all day-all night thing. Why not get smart and involve Him? Ask Him questions. Listen in your heart. Be responsive to His direction. It’s funny sometimes, I’ll ask Him something just to make sure I’m heading in the right direction on something. Right? And, I’ll be thinking I already know what He’s going to say about it. I think I’m going to get a yes from Him. And, at those times when He says no, it shocks me. Sometimes I’ll think He’ll say no and He says yes. Because most of the time, I believe I’m thinking in line with Him. When He says something different than I thought He would say about it. What do I do? (I’m attempting to get smart, here.) We go with what He says! Well, I hope it’s that way with you and Jesus. It’s learning everyday. Walking it out in faith. Growing in our understanding in Him with us. Discovering the wonder of being led by Him in all things. It’s Relationship with a capital “R”. It’s sharing life together. It’s finding out the best way for each of us. It’s getting to know Him better. How He thinks about little things in our lives. Getting to see how He sees it. Many times, it is so different than what we have been taught about Him. Sometimes, I am so surprised at how He really is about stuff. Because, I was told other things that were not true about Him. Friend, no matter where you are in your relationship with the Lord, you can involve Him much more. It’s really up to you how much that is in your life. Because, as far as He is concerned, He wants to be involved and help you in everything!” KF

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