Fully Persuaded

By Ken Fletcher

“Let’s talk about faith. Faith is not a feeling. It is not intuition. It is not limited to any situation that exists. The whole natural realm was created by faith. God’s faith! We who are in Christ are learning to live by faith everyday!

What is faith? Well, in Hebrews 11:1, it says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” I submit to you that this is not what faith is, but what faith does! Quite literally, faith is a persuasion, based upon something.

Now in the natural, we almost unconsciously will sit down in a chair because of our past experience with similar chairs. But, there’s a level of faith going on. We believe the chair will hold us up from falling on the floor. We are persuaded of that. And, so we sit. Without thinking. Because of faith in the chair.

Real Bible faith is based upon our persuasion of the Word of God. To be in faith means that we accept the truth, and believe it with our whole heart. So, then faith comes by hearing and hearing by God’s Word. We can believe because of what He has said.

Faith is not based upon the changeable things in the natural realm. That includes our earthly bodies. Faith in what Jesus says in the Word AND in our hearts is the basis of our belief. It’s what He said, and our being fully persuaded of what He said that causes faith to be present in us.

It’s about hearing from Jesus and simply believing Him whole-heartedly, and responding-doing what He said to do. The simplicity of faith is remarkable. It is so simple and basic. That’s why children believe so easily. The beauty of the simplicity of faith. It is for us all. Jesus said we must be humble like little children to enter the Kingdom of God.

When there is doubt present, the purity of faith is gone. That is why we guard against doubt thoughts and cast them out when we are standing in faith. Believing God’s Word. Is there anything too hard for the Lord? No! Nothing! What happens is the limits WE place on what He can do or not do in our lives!

We see that faith pleases the Lord. He wants us to believe and grow! He wants us to practice Matthew 21:21 and Mark 11:23! The natural realm can be changed, dear ones! What does that mean for you in particular? It means that things CAN change when you change your believing.

Changing our believing means changing our input of what goes in our soul. More Word and more truth means more faith. We should be increasing our dosage of hearing from the Lord. Then, faith comes. Being FULLY persuaded upon God’s Word, we can stand in faith. Knowing the successful completion of our believing is certain!

What is faith? Simply a persuasion BASED upon what God has said. How can you be in faith if you don’t know what God has said? Well, we can’t. But, we can find out what God has said. And, we can pray and find out what God says about ANY situation. Then, faith comes! We have something to believe and respond to.

Doing what God said do. Why? Because we are fully persuaded it is God and we automatically act on it. At least, that is where I am trying to be in life. Real faith is simple persuasion in our heart. It is what moved Abram off of His front porch to go in an unfamiliar direction.–To experience the will of God in His life.–He believed. He stepped because he believed.

My wife and I have lived in 5 states in the last 37 years. Each place, we were persuaded in our hearts God wanted us to go. To be where He wants us. We have been on an amazing journey with the Lord. The souls we have come to know are so precious because we were persuaded to move.

Faith has been why we did what we did. We believed, and were persuaded, that God wanted us to move, etc. He has always abundantly supplied the means to do what He said do. It has been amazing to see the miracles we have seen in the natural realm. What if we were afraid to move from our hometown? Well, we would have missed out on a lot of things. For sure.

Being in faith is being fully persuaded of God’s word. It is the place of being totally convinced of what He said, and because of that, simply acting upon what He said. Real faith is not a mental thing. Real faith is of the heart (soul) of a person.

Sometimes, we are in doubt and we don’t realize it. A sliver of doubt is too much, my friend! We must be FULL of believing! Get the doubt out by the rule of displacement. Through our constantly filling up on the truth of God’s word, we can flush out the doubt! And, we can have pure clean faith in our hearts. That is the place we should be!

The world is full of fear and doubt. Since we live down here and it is all around us, we must be vigilant to keep our hearts clear of any doubt. That is so important. We should be endeavoring to stay in faith all the time. Everyday!” KF KenFletcher.org

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