Forecast Faith Not Fear

By Ken Fletcher

“Don’t let worry, anxiety, and fear have it’s way with you! Rest in your Lord! Think of everything from a faith perspective!

All we believers face challenges to our faith in Jesus daily. Has He got control of us or not? If He does, then that means we rest in Him. We are confident He will guide us into His good will for us. We are tempted to worry–to be apprehensive about the future.

We are in fear when we worry! Fear of what? Lots of stuff! What does it mean? It means we are forecasting our lives in the negative. We are seeing things from that perspective. What about forecasting our lives with faith? And, reject the temptation to worry and fear?

We can just do what Jesus shows us and live worry free! He will take care of us. And, what have we really to fear when we know He is right here? Resist worry! Resist fear! Forecast faith for your future! Speak it and proclaim it for yourself.

Come on, believer! What do you believe? Who do we have? We’ve got Jesus! We trust Him. Much more than the other stuff! What has He said? Do we stand on those words? Listen, if we will only think, we will realize that God’s got us! All the stuff that would tell us it is not going to turn out good are lies!

Doing things His way means it is going to be great! It is going to be the way that He wants for us–which is better than what we could want for ourselves! So, why are we worrying? When you stop to analyze

it all, it just does not make any sense to worry about the unknowns of life. We have Jesus! We can do other stuff besides worry! Positive stuff! Faith building stuff! To strengthen what we believe! Building ourselves up in His Word! Acting upon His word!

Faith! Instead of fear! Instead of worry! Resist it! Make it go! Get it out of you! It’s poison to us. Doubt and fear! They are destructive forces that come against what God says is true about us! We can do something about worry, fear, and anxiety! We can actually run it out of our being! We can replace it with the word of God! We can stand on what God has said instead! It is so much better!

We can actually rest inside because we have been practicing what the Lord said to do. Casting all of our care upon Him because He cares for us! It is so much better when we do! And, He really does care for us! Worry, fear, and doubt are all related! We must counter it all with the truth!

We should refuse to allow worry and fear to be in our minds. It’s one thing to think about something trying to figure it out, but it’s quite another thing to worry about it and fear it. With worry and fear comes bondage. We have been newly created free in Jesus! When we are worrying about things we are not in faith! It’s just a fact! Worrying is having faith in the negative!

If we’re worrying then Jesus does not have it! We need to make sure we get out of worry as soon as we perceive we are thinking that way. Sometimes, it’s sneaky! So, we must keep an eye out for it. Because, above all, we want to stay in faith! That’s the best! We can’t be in faith and in fear at the same time! Faith is single minded! There should be no room for worry in our minds!

Really now, friend, have you been worrying about stuff? Well, it just may be that you need to make a simple adjustment inside. Why don’t you refuse to worry? Why don’t you build your faith up instead? I am growing in this also. The challenge is in our minds. What will we dwell on? Where will we live inside?

Worry is so worthless! What has it ever done for us? Nothing, except a lot of wasted time and bringing negative things into our lives! We have the capacity to believe instead! Well, I’m challenged each day. I’m sure you are too. But, it is good to be aware and stop ourselves from being taken in with worry and fear. We are believers! We have Jesus! So, lets think about ourselves the way He thinks about us!” KF

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