Focus Inside

By Ken Fletcher

“Friends, we must watch out what we focus on. In my life, I have never seen the level of blatant lies being spoken every day in the media. And, tomorrow, it will be more, on top of more, deceived people listening to other deceived people.

What amazes me is how that those lying can successfully pull it off. It’s so obvious! While some see through the deception, many are deceived believing lies or partial lies–things are often put into such a slant that is so predictable. Biased.

It would be so refreshing to hear nothing but true things without twists and agendas. That is why we must always keep out focus on Jesus inside! Listening to Him brings us the truth of things. What we are perceiving in this natural realm is partial. Jesus sees this realm and the spirit realm, and, he sees our future timeline!

He knows what is best and when! If we follow Him and Keep our focus on Him we will be on time all the time! Right where and when we ought to be! He sees ahead and directs us as we walk this out here on earth in faith! His Spirit ever indwells us. Filling us with His wisdom as we go along.

Each day is a new challenge of faith–living in dependence to His leadership. But, it takes focus! Focus upon Jesus within our souls! We can hear clearly from our Lord. If we’re not hearing clearly His words, then there is too many things cluttering up our souls. Too much thinking about natural things. Not enough thinking on spiritual things with the Lord.

I am convinced that we can find out His will in anything.–If our heart is right. Being transparent with Jesus really comes down to us opening ourselves up to allow Him to search our motives and purposes. Is it all His? Is it pure? His will? To open ourselves up to Him like this is not for His benefit because He already sees and knows exactly what is going on in us through and through.

It is for OUR benefit we do this in order to hear Jesus’ direction clearly in our souls and minds. Exposing ourselves before Jesus means we willingly place ourselves in a position to be corrected. Many times, Jesus cannot correct us if we’re not paying attention to what He wants to do. We just go for what we think.–Which is a mistake–Because, we cannot see it all–Where it will lead and take us–that choice we make apart from Jesus’ will.

The wise man or woman will sincerely go to the Lord for direction. We know so little, friend! Jesus is wise. We are learning! He wants to lead us into His will. Are we too busy to find out what Jesus wants to do about it? Do we think we know better than Him? Then, all of that is simply spiritual immaturity.

We are certainly on different paths of growth. But, it helps when one wants to grow up! And, has a desire to find the Lord’s way in life. Without a doubt, there are more distractions in our day than have ever existed before on earth! More lies too! More deception! Everywhere!

Beyond imagination the true things we find out about in this world. I’m so glad that the evil is temporary. I’m so glad I have Jesus in these unprecedented times we are living in. But in this deceptive place we can know the truth. Because of Jesus! He lives in our souls all day and night.

But, where is our focus? What has our attention? Listen, I know how easy it is to get caught up into the news of the day, etc. And, all the other things that we read about. Even though it is almost unbelievable–some of these things–they want us to keep our attention on them.

But, we must spend time inside with the Lord. Find out what He wants us to do personally and in particular. I want to live now as I will live then in eternity–with Jesus and the Father! So, my focus must be on them primarily. My focus must be inside.

I hope I have written something that will help you to get a little better perspective on the truth of what is going on. So many are believing lies today. The truth is found in Jesus, God’s Son. Seek Him! Focus on Him! Focus on the true!” KF

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