Focus Brings Miracles

By Ken Fletcher

“Miracles! That’s what we’re supposed to have in our lives! All the time. Everyday! Some believer says, Ken, that’s not what’s happening in my life! Well, here’s the deal. If you are in Christ, you ARE a miracle! Born miraculously into the Kingdom of God through faith. Now, all things are possible to you because of your fusion with Jesus! He’s inside! Problem is, we don’t recognize all we have. We don’t know what we can do! Let me tell ya, it’s a whole lot more than what you are functioning in right now! There are unlimited possibilities now available for you. Do you need a miracle? Seek the Lord inside about it. He wants you to have that miracle! Yes He does! Don’t ever doubt that. If you can think it, He can do it. The question is, what will you believe about it? Will you stay in faith as long as it may take for the miracle to manifest? Many folks make faith steps but then, after a little while, when things don’t seem to be changing in the natural, they cast away their confidence. Listen believer, you’re never going to receive like that! Listen, what you’ve got to do is before you speak words of faith. Before you take that faith step. Before you speak those words of faith, spend plenty of time in the Word that you are basing your believing on. Get so full of the Word about it that it seems to overflow out of your heart. You are fully persuaded in the truth now. Fully confident in your Lord. BEFORE you act. You are now filled with faith in God’s Word. No doubt. Now is when you act! And, you stay on it until is is completed! You stay there no matter what it looks like in the natural. You keep that faith turned on! Never go back. Never give up! Never throw in the towel. Exercise your patience. Wait on God’s timing! Keep expecting it to manifest. No matter if you see anything or not. That, my friend, is standing on the Word. That, my friend, will bring the results to you. If you’re standing in faith on the ever settled Word of God, and won’t move off of it, something has got to change! And, it won’t be God’s Word! If you won’t change, and God won’t change, something has got to change! And, it will. Friend, I have just given you the recipe for victory in your life. Maybe you have never stood like that. Or maybe you have and had some faith failures. Been there, done that! But, I have also seen my faith manifest many times. And, what I just gave you above is what has worked for me. I was so very fortunate to have been exposed to excellent teaching from amazing men of God. Who helped me to see how the mechanics and inner workings of how faith works. You can receive miracles, believer! Why stay in the place of defeat when you can choose to come out of it with the Lord! Why not fill yourself with the truth of God’s Word and believe for miracles through faith? You might as well! Evidently, what you’re doing is not working. Why not dig in to the truth? Why not change some stuff? You’re not waiting on Jesus about it. He’s waiting on you! His ability is as strong in you whether you believe or not. It’s already there! So, why don’t you do what is necessary and get to filling your tank up inside with faith about it? Then, you’ll have the stuff to stand on and believe. Then, you will be able to act in faith about the things! Miracles are ours, dear believer! We have the miracle worker inside. We have been created for miracles. We’re supposed to be seeing them on a regular basis! But, it’s up to you how many you see. It’s up to you! Aren’t you tired of dealing with that crap? The stuff Jesus has redeemed you out of? Why keep doing the same things over and over that do not change anything? Are you serious about it? Then listen, do first things first. Spend as much time in the Word on the verses Jesus leads you to. Because He knows what it is that you are lacking. So, ask Him. Then, get to work and study on them! Find out what Jesus has done. Find out what Father has provided for us. Fill up! Meditate on it. Until it drives all of the accumulated unbelief and doubt out of you! Sometimes, if you’ve been going to certain churches, listening to some of the garbage of tradition and unbelief they teach, you will have to run a lot of unbelief out of your heart that has been previously sowed into you. It may take some time to get it out. But, you can! How do I know? I had to do the same thing! I had to get myself aligned with the truth of what the Bible said about some erroneous stuff that was taught to me. I had to get it out! The way you do that is by continually filling your heart with the truth of the matter. God’s Word. What HE has said concerning what you need changed in your life. I’m telling you, it’s unlimited! It’s US who are limiting God. You hear that? Us! So, find out what you can believe Him for in the Word. Listen to faith building messages by faith filled people. You gotta be careful who and what you’re listening to. You may need to change up on what you allow in. If your church isn’t teaching you right, you might be better off to get out of there. You cannot afford to listen to people who do not know how to receive from God. You had better focus on the truth. That’s much more important than the fact that you like the pastor or the praise music there, etc. You need a miracle! Focus on what is important! If it’s got doubt in it, spit it out! Direct your attention to the faith building truths of God’s Word. Focus on that! Put the blinders on to everything else contrary. Your focus on the Word will bring you into miracle territory. Wait to act on the Word until you are filled with faith. Then, after acting and speaking in faith, refuse to doubt from that point forward. THAT, my friend, is what works for miracles! God is full of power in you! Now! It’s your faith that brings the manifestation of the miracle into your life! So, what are you going to do? Just keep looking at what needs to change and do nothing different? Or start focusing on what will bring real change to your life. Quit blaming God for where you are! That’s just stupid! Don’t be stupid! Realize that He’s your solution to every problem that you experience in this life. Absolutely! Nothing is too big for our God! But, do you really believe that?” KF

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