
By Ken Fletcher July 17, 2023

“Focus. That’s the deal. What are we focusing on? Believers believe. We believe what God has said pertaining to us and for us. It’s spiritual law. We believe it. But, other things want our focus, don’t they! Other things that want us to believe them. Well, I want it God’s way in my life. So, I want to believe Him more and more. I have found personally that His Word is true. Even if I don’t understand it like I should yet. I know it is true from all the Word I have I proven over 50 years of being with Jesus. All kinds of things have happened and I have learned. I have stood on the Word concerning healing for my body, rest and peace for my mind, joy in my heart, protection for our family, wisdom and direction for life, and understanding of reality with myself and Jesus. I have also found that the fallen world around us is after our focus. It wants you to focus on it’s way of seeing and understanding. Focusing on the world’s thinking brings bad results to us. It’s negative and fear based. Have you found this true also? But the truth is found in God’s Word. The more we can renew our minds in what Jesus has done in us through the new creation, the better off we will be in seeing things right down here! But remember, where your attention lies is where your mind is. Where your mind is there is focus. Even when we are busy with normal natural things, we can have our focus on Jesus inside in our hearts. But, it is vital to have one on one time with Jesus and the Father. Total focus on Him. Listening. Enjoying. Learning. Following. That’s the focus I’m talking about. Focusing on the Word. Go to God with it. Focus on His leading. Do the Word. Being deliberate in your believing. Practice who you are! Focus on Jesus!” KF

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