Find What You Need

By Ken Fletcher

“The Bible is a book like no other. In it we find truth. Reality. I believe most people do not really understand it as a whole from cover to cover. It is a book that outlines and shows us things from God’s perspective and His interaction with men and women.

It is a book that, no matter how much you read and study, it seems to go deeper and deeper the more you understand. I am not led to talk about many things I have learned over the years about the Bible. I am living now what I have learned about Jesus. It is a walk of faith in Him.

As much as I have studied, there is so much that I do not know about the Bible. Yet, I have assimulated a lot of truth that many believers have not had the privilege to hear and understand. I want to leave all behind on earth what I have learned in walking with Jesus.

I have not arrived, but, I’m on a journey with Him. I try and write what I believe will help people to find reality for themselves. If a person digs into the Word for the answer for what ever they are facing, they can find a real solution. One that will change them and their circumstances.

Jesus is unlimited. So, whatever it is, He is greater. It is our faith that limits Him. So, I’m trying to get folks into the book. That they may understand how God sees things. Why things are the way they are in this life. Do I believe it? My goodness, yes. Even though I do not understand it all. If God says it, then, it’s right. Whether or not I understand it right or not.

That is the sad part about unbelievers. They do not know what God is like. They do not believe the Bible is the way things are with God. They believe other things as truth. Well, I can’t speak for anyone else, but I have proven the Bible true in my own life many times. The faith that I received from the words in the Bible have saved my life! I am still here because of them.

I have a message for anyone to listen. Anybody can do what I have done! But, so many have been taught wrong. They are simply operating on what they know. The truth is, all things are possible with us because all things are possible to Jesus who is blended in with us!

The words of the Bible are life to us. And, food for our souls. Wisdom for our life. Knowledge about our God. What we can believe Him for. Instruction on how He thinks. How to follow Him. All there in the Word. What the truth is about our condition before Him is there. How does Jesus see us?

The Bible is a book about love! God’s love for us! What He has done about our lost condition. What His will really is! People mess up the message God is sending us. Religion has clouded the beautiful clear message of Jesus to humanity.

We want to get it cleared up how He thinks about us. To everybody. So, that they may know the truth for themselves and be free before Him. How good God is to bring to us the Bible in our generation. I know it works. Because I have believed and received the truth. I have responded to it. I have seen it’s results over and over!

I am a living walking miracle! What doctors and medicine could not do, faith in the Bible healed my body! My relationship with Jesus was because I heard the truth of the Bible and believed it. I think people’s perception of living for God is all messed up. Primarily because of the picture they get from religion.

It really is a win win situation when you have Jesus! But, the world does not see it that way at all. So, the Bible is looked down upon as some old fable in our modern world. But, truth will remain after all is said and done on earth. And, the word of God will stand when all else is gone.

It will be as God has said it regardless of what anybody else thinks about it. So, I don’t want to be cross wise of His Word. That only brings trouble. I am a believer! Not a doubter! You and I have everything He said is ours in the Word. Do we believe it and act on it? Well, it is available to everybody. So, get into the Word and find what you need for your life. It’s in there!” KF

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