Father Finances It

By Ken Fletcher

“I’m so thankful that I do not serve a barely get along Lord! Our God is an abundant God. A God of provision! He IS our Father! Will our rich and abundant Father withhold good from His children? No! A thousand times, no!

Our Father is a good, good, Father. Better than any earthly father could hope to be. He supplies every need abundantly! We should never do without! If we are in His will! If we’re not, maybe that is the whole problem! So, if it is, find out His will and get in it!

Get out of the other, whatever you’re doing, and get into the whatever He wants to do! Then, as you do, you will find yourself in His abundance. You will find yourself in more than enough! Over the top! Lacking nothing!

Do you believe He can do that for you in your life? Some people think that God wants them to live on barely get along street. That is not our Father’s will, friends! His will is what is happening in heaven right now! There, where His perfect will is carried out all the time! Abundance everywhere in every way!

Jesus prayed that Father’s will AS IT IS in heaven be done on earth! Did you get that? It is God’s will for you to prosper, my dear friend. I’m not talking about greed here. I’m talking about carrying out the plan of God for your life. His perfect will for you.

If you and I are living and walking it out every day, we will always find ourselves in God’s abundance. Plenty and more to do what He told us to do. Of course He is going to finance it! It is absured to think otherwise.

Some think He wants them to struggle to do His will. No. He wants people to believe Him!–That He is financing what ever He calls for! What is the problem, then, If we’re NOT seeing this abundance in our ministries and lives? What IS the real question here?

The question is, why AREN’T I in abundance? The obvious answer is, you are not doing what Jesus wants you to do. Maybe you need to re-align your life to do what He wants to do in and through you. Finances area big deal in this life. And, it transfers into power in this present world.

Money allows people options and choices that they would not have had otherwise. Money in hands of one who’s will is in the heart of the Lord means good amplified! Money in the hands of a prideful, selfish and willful person means evil amplified.

But, look, money or abundance is not the problem. It’s the heart of the person that is the problem! The money just amplifies what is in their heart. Can you see that? The real question we should ask is, why am I not prospering or having more than enough in my ministry or my life? Can it be that I am not really doing what He wants be to do?

Better do a check up from the neck up and the neck down! Because if it’s not God, He’s not going to finance it no matter how great of an idea it is. People are looking to other people to fulfill their needs. Do not look to another man or woman to do what God has told you to do. You just look to Him, your provider. And, only do things the way He tells you and not another way!

He is faithful to take care of the need no matter how large it may be. He has already seen it and seen to it!–Before He told you to do it! Can you see that? Well, I hope I’m helping someone here tonight.

Because, we can struggle and push. We can manipulate people’s emotions.–pull on their heart strings so they will give. We can come up with all kinds of schemes to get money. We can have a raffle. We can have a fund raiser cook out. We can try and figure out how to get the money for what we think is God’s will for us to do. How about faith in our Abundant Father Who will show is what to do step by step in his will?

The provision has already been taken care of BEFORE He told you about it! So, why are you sweating about it. It’s His plan! Right? So, if it’s really His plan, you can rest knowing He is going to pay the bills abundantly.

This ministry that began March 9, 2022 has never asked anyone for anything. Jesus has completely financed everything we have and are doing. Without asking anyone for anything. Everything we are doing is free to everyone. We take no offerings. We do not even bring it up about money and what we may be needing. Why? Well, because Jesus told me to do it that way.

So, we do it and He takes good care of us abundantly. We do not lack for anything because we’re doing what He told us to do. Now, I’m not saying that you should do things the way He has told me to do it. But, I can tell you this, if He told you to do it, you are going to have to believe that He will take care of the finances of it. He will show you how He wants you to do things.

Our problem is, we try and figure stuff out in our minds. That’s a no-no. Because, then we are depending on ourselves to accomplish His will. He wants us to depend on Him to accomplish His will. Amen! Well, I hope I’m helping someone here tonight to get some understanding! Our God is an abundant God. We are His children! Why are we acting like beggars? Why?” KF KenFletcher.org

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