Faith In Jesus Is Available

By Ken Fletcher

“My Lord is greater than what you are facing today. No matter how big it seems to be, Jesus is greater! And, not only is He greater than that problem is in your life, He WANTS to help you! But, what is the breakdown in Him doing what He CAN and WANTS to do iin your life? Faith! What are you believing?

I am so sad many times talking to people who are dealing with various negative things in their lives. And, I’m standing there, WITH the One who can fix it for them. But, they can’t receive. They do not think it is possible at all. They believe there is no help coming from God for them. When all the time He has already paid for their right to receive.

So sad! I share in Jesus’ sadness. Because, I too want them healed and delivered just like Jesus does. Listen, we have to get in faith about the situation. People are believing lots of things that other people tell them about their situation. But, they are not considering the facts concerning Jesus. It’s not even entering their minds. He is not even an option for them. Yet, He IS the answer for what they are dealing with. He will show them what to do. IF they believe.

You see, it really does come down to, and begins with, a choice with us personally–what He will be able to do. We MUST get faith into our being. Faith in Jesus! Faith in what He has done to give us the victory! Faith in the HIGHER TRUTH! Faith in the real truth about Jesus and what He has done for us all!

You may be looking at natural facts right now. Thinking that they are not changeable in your life. That is NOT true! Not with Him! And, He is NOT the one who is holding out on us. We are holding out on us!

To make a change in our believing we must change the INPUT! Change what is going inside of us! What are you dwelling on inside of your heart? Right there is where it begins! Change what you are dwelling on inside by meditation in the truth. Faith will come. Dwelling on the answer, which is God’s Word, will bring you to another place. A place of faith! He performs His Word in us when we believe.

Having no faith does not work. Wavering faith does not work. Faith works when you DO the Word in your own life. When YOU believe fully.

Well, you are the one who must make the adjustments to get yourself full of God’s Word to change your circumstances. If it is NOT God’s will happening in your life, YOU can change it!

You can make your circumstances change. He already wants to. So, you are not TRYING to get Him to do something. Most people are greatly lacking in what they believe He wants to do in their lives. Or they are misunderstanding what He wants to do. Religion is the reason many are messed up in their concept of what Jesus wants to do in them.

He is more! He is greater. He is wiser. He knows you through and through. So, He really does know, and really does know how to help you in that situation! BUT, do you believe that? Do you look to Him for your direction and wisdom? Or are you doing like so many other people NOT believing He wants to, CAN, and WILL fix it in you?

It’s a matter of knowing Him. Knowing He is faithful to His Word. Being so full of believing that there is no doubt left in you! That is where you need to be headed. And, committed. And, not quitting until it is done.

Do not cast away your confidence in Jesus or His Word. It’s my prayer that you will begin to live another way beginning today. Begin living the life of faith. Begin to ingest the Word concerning your case. What does God really say about it? What will He really do for you?

Can you believe that He is really THAT GOOD? Well, trust me, He is MORE GOOD than we know. And, our particular case is just another opportunity for Jesus to show out in our life. Does He want to? Yes! Will He be able to? Up to us! What will YOU do with what HE has done? Well, I hope you will get yourself into faith. Because, it IS available to everyone!” KF

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