Faith & Focus

By Ken Fletcher

“We are continually bombarded with natural material things concerning this physical realm. It seems most all people are consumed with things in this natural realm.

Understand, dear one, this is deception land! This is distraction land! This is partial sight-ville! That is why our enemy the devil can maneuver and deceive through this fallen realm. He and his demons move through men and women who do what he wants to do.

They get wealth and power in this life. He gets his evil will done to take the world into more destruction and death. Which those men and women really don’t care as long as they get what they want. So, in light of all of this, believers, we must stay focused.

We must develop powers of focus. Focus on what? The truth! And, since we have the truth inside of our souls, we can focus on Jesus inside anytime. There have been times when I have been so distracted from being aware of Him inside. As soon as I realize it, I want to get my focus back where it should be–on Jesus inside. That is where the truth abides.

What really is the compass of our lives? Is it Him? Or, is it something else? I am seeing that most all people have their attention and focus on things that will change and pass away. Their focus is on a reality alright–but, since this reality is fallen and demon & death infested, it’s a manipulated reality!

Manipulated by who? Satan and the demons! That is the truth of the matter! Until men and women awaken to the truth of Jesus, they will continue to be deceived by the deceiver month after month, year after year.

Just tonight, my wife and I were talking about the horrors we hear about and see in these present days. We remember how it used to be. And, how it is now. It is beyond horror what has been happening in our lifetime. Worse and worse.

One of the things that is disturbing to me is the hatred that is openly displayed against opposing views now. Can we not disagree without hatred? Apparently not in our day! Can we not be countrymen?

But, the truth of the matter is that we are coming into the end of times. It is obvious that the kingdom of darkness has gone all in. And, things are ramping up in hotspots in the world. The stakes are high now. We can see the impending consequences of the trends–and the ones in power.

But, can we see the real activity in the unseen realm? That is the question in our lives. Do we perceive the real? It takes faith to hear from Jesus. It takes focus to hear from Jesus. It is all inside. He ever abides with all believers. But, do we hear Him?

When I realize that I am not hearing Jesus like I want, I understand that I must adjust my focus on the inside. I must be sure that He has all of me. And, when I know that He does, I can focus on Him anytime! You too! Anyone can come into this place with the Lord.

It’s a place where no matter what may happen in our lifetime, we are with Him and He is with us! Are we focusing on the real? Or are we focusing on the partial temporary realm–the one where deception flows all the time?

People spend all their time on things that will be done away with. You know, eventually, God is going to have to do away with evil. And, He will. Corruption can not do anything but corrupt more and more until there is nothing left to corrupt! And, corruption breeds more corruption!

But, people go on deceiving and being deceived everyday. To live in the real is to live in faith in Jesus and His Word. Living by faith is the most real way to live. We can hear from Jesus! But, believer friend, where IS our focus?” KF

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