Experience God’s Best

By Ken Fletcher

“Even when we think we’re not growing in our understanding of our relationship with God, we are! And, those that want to are coming into an understanding of the reality within them.

The amazing union with Jesus. It’s who we are! It’s not, Jesus, and us. It’s Jesus in us. We’re in Him. Unified in the spirit. Unified BY His Spirit. We ARE one! Our whole identity has been changed. From me to us.

Why do anything outside of what Jesus wants in our lives? Since He knows the best. And, we can experience His best. If we will listen and go His way by faith in what He says. Well, I don’t know about you, but that is what I want.

I just want to experience His way. Because I know that His way is better in every way than my way! When you and I come to the realization of this truth, we can reach out in faith for God’s best. Knowing that’s exactly what He wants for us.

So, we can actually experience His best in this life. What is His will for you? Good things. If persecution comes because of the Word’s sake in our lives, then that is coming from the world that hates Him. It’s really an honor to be persecuted because we’re are a believer in Jesus. Because we get to share in His suffering. But, He keeps on blessing us. Even as the world looks on.

I want to see His best in 2024. Don’t you? So, lets go to Him and see what He wants to do!” KF KenFletcher.org

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