Everything Trust

By Ken Fletcher

“Have you really given your whole life to Jesus? Or, are you keeping some things for yourself held back? Those things you have not given to Jesus are, in reality, costing you to miss out on what He has. He is not going to show you His agenda for you without knowing you are completely on-board with His plan. If you’re not there, you’re not there. It doesn’t mean you are not blessed. God will bless you as much as possible in wherever you are in life. But, in Him not having complete control of your life in general, there are things that He is not part of. Because of our choices we can shut His best down for us. We don’t want that! But, many times, we don’t realize where we are with Him. We haven’t taken the time to examine where we are and why we’re doing what we do. That’s the noise of this material realm everywhere. It’s designed to distract us from the really important stuff. Spiritual stuff. Eternal stuff. Pause, dear friend. Pause from it all. It will still be there when you get back. But, pause and take some moments to examine things in your heart. Examine motives. Perspective. Reasons why. Really, now. Where are you really with God? Have you given it much deep thought? It’s really the most important thing to consider in life. Holding back yourself from God, or even a piece of your life, is not wise in any way. Rather, we should understand the wisdom of really giving ourselves to the Master’s will. Then, we can really experience His best for us and our family. Plus, be moving in things to be a greater blessing to other people. But, it does take understanding and faith to believe Jesus’ will for us is much better than our own will. Yes, it takes faith and trust in Him. Real trust. Everything trust. But, it’s the place believers should be with Him. Or, at least, be committed to trying to be with Jesus. There is no better place to dwell in this life than all on the line for the Lord. So, in reality, holding something back from Him is only costing us. We end up on the short end because of our choice. Believers, lets be wise. Lets understand our times here on earth. Lets realizes that to hold back anything from the Lord is going to hurt us, and others also. I know how it is. I held back and really did not realize how much I had been. But, after my extraordinary experience with the Lord, that all changed. I saw through things that I did not before. I understood things better. A lot of things surprised me too. But, I’m encouraging you to give Jesus the whole thing. Because then, you will get to see Him do more miracles. You will get to walk out His will in faith. He will show you His will. So, believer, why in the world would you be holding back from Jesus?” KF

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