Everything Changes

By Ken Fletcher

“It is my heart’s desire for people to know Jesus. Their whole perspective about God and themselves would change as they walk with the Lord.

They would begin to see themselves as God sees them–which is the way they really are in truth. Everything would look different to them than before. They have a fresh new relationship with Jesus that changes everything. Because, it is not just them anymore. It’s them AND Jesus now! It can be different! Better than ever! Because Jesus IS a miracle worker! And, our union with Him makes all things possible now.

Many times we are not believing Him when we should. We get caught up in the things of the world–not considering things from God’s perspective. Since we are blended with Jesus through the Holy Spirit, we can see things differently than we used to. We can access His thoughts on the matter. We can get how Jesus sees it. And, then, we can agree with Him and get in faith about it.

That is the beautiful thing about our union with Jesus. Even if we get upset about something, we don’t have to stay there. We can get Jesus’ take on things. And, then we can see the reality of the situation before God. Many times, it is so much smaller of a problem than what we were initially thinking it was.

Getting Jesus’ view is so vital for us. Then, we can get in faith. This life with Jesus is a different kind of life than what we had before. It’s a life of faith in Him.–IN His direction. Living by faith and not by our 5 senses. It is a great opportunity for people.

My heart’s desire is that the people Jesus has put into my life know Him! That is the most important thing for us all! Without faith in Jesus, how can we defeat fear? It’s our faith in Jesus and what he has said that eliminates fear.

I wish everyone would accept Jesus. Think of how it would change our world. Wouldn’t it be something! Well, I’m believing that more will respond to His invitation in the days to come.” KF KenFletcher.org

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