Eternity Is A Long Time

By Ken Fletcher

“I feel sorry for people who think that God is just an impersonal force of some kind. Or that the universe is somehow in control of everything. That bad and evil are just random experiences derived from karma or something like that. Yin Yang philosophies, etc. Many deny the existence of demons in this present world too.

Well, that is as much as they can surmise from faulty information that has come to them. They have believed it. And embraced it. Even though it is false. With no basis of truth. There are some very important problems with all of those different theories.

Like, where did matter originate? Who designed the atom? What holds it together? Where did the intelligent design come from? Where did evil originate? What really is the truth of man’s origin? Why is the earth like it is now? They have their theories about all the whys.

They don’t know Jesus. They don’t know of all the fulfilled prophesies in the Bible that prove it’s validity. They cancel the Bible out as fables and not really the way things are or why things are the way they are. So, the explanation and information about God given to us in the Bible is cast aside. It is cast aside for another belief. And, there are millions of them in the world!

So, I thought today. How sorry I am for these who do not know Jesus yet. How my heart goes out to them. I know for sure that God is very, very personal. Jesus lives in my soul with me. Through the Holy Spirit, those who are in Christ are One with God! What is my basis of truth? The Bible. Which I have proved for myself that it IS true.

Now, whether or not you have proved it true in your life is up to you. But, I know! For sure! It is true! I have acted upon its truth many, many times. One of the most outstanding times was just a few years ago when I was healed from chronic nerve pain in 2/3s of my body. I couldn’t do hardly anything but be in constant pain. Through faith in God’s Word. Through doing what Jesus said to do. I proved for myself that the Bible works. It’s true! I was completely healed.

It’s much too late for anyone to convince me that the Bible is not the way things are. Our God is very, very personal. We who are in Christ are His family. We are His children and He is our Father. We are born of God! His seed is in us! How much more personal could He be than that? He is more personal than you are to your kids.

So, knowing Him now for over 50 years, I have found out that He wants to share everything with us. We can include Him in our lives all day and night. There is nothing better. Sharing everything with Jesus. I can not imagine living without Him and this relationship we have. I have learned a lot. But, I feel like I have not learned anything yet. It’s all so vast what we have with Jesus.

I feel sorry for those who do not know Him yet. I just what to get people in touch with Him. Then, they will see for themselves what they have been missing. But, how could they know before about Him? They do not even know they need Him. And, without the Holy Spirit, they can’t. They are blind. So, we pray for them. We witness as we go along about how good Jesus is. Every chance we get. And trust the Holy Spirit to draw them to Jesus.

The main thing I believe is important is they feel love from us. I think that’s what touches them the most. The realness of our love for them. Really, it’s God’s love in us for them. He has put His love in our hearts. It’s a privilege to tell people about Jesus.

What I have is so good. I can’t help but want it for everybody I know. But, many are not presently in a place to receive from Him. I’m believing many will be soon. Jesus IS a personal savior! He came to save us personally! I am so glad that I know Him. I want to know Him better and better. Well, I’m going to. Because, we have lots of time!

I think the highest thing we can do in this life is introduce people to Jesus. What better thing can we do for them? I think, nothing. Eternity is a long time. Everyone needs Jesus now and then. Are we obeying the Lord in what He wants us to do in this life?

What about those people you are around? Are you asking Him for wisdom to know what to say or do to help them receive Jesus? Man, I am. In myself, I do not know what to do or say to people to help. Everyone is so different with all the different philosophies. So, I pray all the time for His wisdom so we can help them. They are all precious to God.

Believer friend, lets be about our Father’s business and do something while there is still time.” KF

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