By Ken Fletcher

“Okay, here’s the deal. I see folks self condemning. Why are you doing that?

Now listen, if Jesus does not condemn you. The Father does not condemn you. The Holy Spirit does not condemn you. Why do YOU condemn you?

Well, I can tell you that your enemies, evil demons, ARE condemning you everyday! They want YOU to agree with them! That negative stuff you’re thinking and feeling DOES NOT come from God! So, why agree with those raunchy devils on stuff?

They hate you! Come on! See some light here! Why are you doing things their way? All the time feeling like crap about yourself. Depressed and stuff. Shake yourself to reality. Quit hating yourself. Quit self condemning!

Look at HOW MUCH God loves you! He does! Look how HE values YOU! He sees something different in you than all those who would condemn. He sees a unique, one of a kind, amazing, gifted you!

Maybe you can’t see that right now where you are in your life. But, it IS still true! Why don’t you go to the Lord instead of looking down at yourself and all of the mess ups. Go to the One who really sees, knows and understands it all with you! With no put downs. No focusing on your bad choices. No bringing up past misunderstandings about Him. And, NO CONDEMNATION. That’s our Lord Jesus!” KF

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