Don’t Miss Anything

By Ken Fletcher

“Ever notice how kids want to stay up later with the adults when it’s bedtime? Why? Well, they don’t want to miss anything. That’s why! I was the same way as a kid. Even the litlle ones will fight sleep and get grumpier and grumpier. Because they don’t want to miss anything. My wife and I have moved state to state 5 times. Why? Because we were led by the Lord to move. Even though it meant leaving what we had built before, we moved to a strange place. Because Jesus led us to do so. So many years ago, it would have been much easier to stay where our families all were. And, we knew we did not have to leave. But even before we left our home town of Indianapolis, in my heart, I just did not want to miss anything that God had for us in the future! Looking back, it really has been an adventure for us! Many wonderful things came because of us being where we were supposed to be during those years. It has taken faith in all the moves. Faith in the One who told us to go. He has faithfully sustained us in every state. Abundantly taken care of us. I can’t imagine what our lives would have been like all of these years if we had not left our home town of Indy. All of the places. All of the wonderful people we have encountered and become friends with. The wonderful and amazing experiences we were part of. Why? Because we believed obeyed and left. We’ve got to see many miracles too! I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to miss out on anything Jesus has for me here on earth. I don’t want to leave anything on the table! How about you? Are you gonna let fear of change hold you back from what Jesus is leading you to do? Whatever He leads you, it will require you to believe, and act on that belief. Is He showing you a change you should make? A different direction or thought? Are you going to be bold or timid in your faith? Are you going to play it safe? Or step into what He’s showing you? Well, if you’re like me, if you don’t do it, in the future what will really bug you is the thought of, wonder what would have happened if I had obeyed the Lord and did it? Oh, man! I can’t live like that! Ever! If He shows us the way, will we not believe and go that way? Some are too fearful to step in faith. But they’ll make excuses why they can’t do what Jesus says do. Do you really want to live that way? You can if you want, you know. Playing it safe. Figuring the odds. Not me. I don’t want to wonder if I should have done anything. If Jesus says do this or that. That’s what I want. I have moved because of it several times. And, I’m sure not through following Jesus! So, however He wants to do things is great with me. I guess I’m really still just a kid. I absolutely do not want to miss anything! Are you that way too?” KF

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