Don’t Let Discouragement Stay

By Ken Fletcher

“Dear friend, don’t let discouragement stay in you. Make it go. Move on toward the blessing of God. If you hang on to discouragement too long it can turn into an even more negative view of yourself. Eventually, discouragement develops into depression. Which I believe is believing lies about yourself and self hatred. So, lets not stay camped in discouragement village too long. Because we know where it’s headed. Instead, be smart. Encourage yourself. Go do something you like to do. Or, get an ice cream cone. Wear your favorite t-shirt. Listen to a great uplifting song or album. Get your mind out of the negative. All is not lost. Jesus is still on board. The future is a blank slate waiting on you to write on it. There’s no time to waste in discouragement village. Move on forward in the will of God. We have a positive God who does miracles. We have a positive message of truth that sets men and women free. We believers have no place staying in discouragement. We have too much to do. We have too much victory in Jesus to stay in the place of discouragement. So, get up and move ahead in faith, dear brother and sister.” KF

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