Do What David Did

By Ken Fletcher

“If there is no one around who will encourage you, encourage yourself in the Lord your God! Just like King David did during one of the lowest points in his life. When all seemed lost, he encouraged himself in the Lord his God.

For you, for me, this is a wonderful example of what to do in the tough spots in life. We are not alone, believers. We have on board inside with us the mighty Holy Spirit. We have Jesus! We have the Father! Things can change out here!

We need to encourage ourselves in the Lord our God with whom nothing is impossible. So, if things may seem lost or it seems like you are in a low place, remember who is with you now! Remember who knows all about it. Reach out to Him in faith. Ask Him what you should do? Just like David did. And, the Lord showed him what to do.

The results were that David and His men recovered all that was lost. Why? Because in the midst of all the crying and hurt, when it seemed like all hope was gone, when the pain of the great loss was stabbing them all in the heart, one man encouraged himself in the Lord his God. It can change everything! It can change your perspective.

If we will do what David did, we can have the results he did. Our God is the same! What will He do for you? The question should be, what can you believe Him for? He has already done it! We obtain by faith what God did through grace!

Now, as sons and daughters of God, things are much different for us. We are in close family relationship with One who can do anything. That changes everything for us when we can grasp some of that reality in our heart.

When we believe in our God, we are trusting Him above all else. The opposing circumstances that stare us in the face are NOT greater than our Father. We can stare back at them with confidence that they are moving, changing, re-arranging! Because of Jesus! We can believe and receive!” KF

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