By Ken Fletcher

“I was at a very busy place with lots of people yesterday. Everyone was caught up with where they were going and what they were doing. As I observed the people, I thought to myself, do these people KNOW they are eternal spirits headed for a destination?

I would say almost everyone in that crowded place did not think they were spirits. They were thinking about the outside stuff coming into their souls and their interaction with it. They were consumed with the natural realm. Not considering God or other spiritual realm truth. So, you see how the enemy can slip false stuff in to people’s souls through the fallen natural realm through this kind of thinking.

There’s a blindness. A thickness. A dullness to the spiritual realm. The demons want to keep you in that place of deception! God does not want us to live that way. He wants us to be aware of what’s going on in the natural realm AND the spiritual realm! Seeing things the right way, we can be wise to how to order our steps in life according to His plan without deception.

Listen friend, you CAN be aware of what is REALLY going on! You CAN live wisely. You CAN be led by Jesus. You CAN have victory over the devils and what they bring. You CAN know who you are! You CAN know what you have in Christ.

Well, the thing is, do you want to carry on being SO influenced and controlled by the natural realm? Don’t you want to know what is REALLY going on behind the facade? Don’t you want to see through to the true of the situation? Boy, I do! It’s through Jesus and His Word we can see through to the true on things.

So, don’t be a dummy like so many–duped to the REAL information of the spiritual realm. Be aware spiritually. See right. Perceive right. Understand right. Know thyself! AND, know what’s happening in both realms that you live in! Not just one! KF

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