
By Ken Fletcher July 12, 2023

“Attention. Where you focus your attention takes it off of something else. For instance, lets say you are having to deal with an evil spirit. Listen, really, no believer wants to fool with a demon. Yuk! But, at times, we may encounter demons stupid enough to cross our path in life. Well, I for one really don’t want to take my attention off of what Jesus is doing in my life to deal with some nasty evil demon. But, look believers, we must deal directly with them. At times, we need to shut down their activity! Boom! Just like that! But, still, I just try and get my attention back on the Lord and what He’s got going on in my life ASAP. Not what the devils are doing! Ah, but that’s the deal down here. I will be glad when those distractions will cease! It will be wonderful then. But, now it’s all about carrying out the will of Jesus in our lives. And, part of that is kicking the devil’s butt with our authority and power we share with Jesus. That IS His will for us now in this time in the matrix! Rule with Jesus in your own life! We must always endeavor not to be distracted, but to keep our attention on Him!” KF

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