Direction & Timing

By Ken Fletcher July 29, 2023

“Are you going to Jesus for your direction and timing today? Oh, you think you got everything okay today. Yeah, I’ve been there too. We think we have it all figured out. Don’t we? We don’t need the leading of the Lord throughout the day–how we should do things–when. Nope. We don’t need His input on stuff. Do we? Too busy. Got our schedule and everything. Got things all planned out how it should go today–How we want it all to go. We THINK we have it all figured out. But, do we really? Doing stuff that way in life, you’ll pass up the will of God on things pertaining to you. You’ll just run on by it not knowing you missed the good things He wanted to bring you into. It’s easy to miss God when we’re in that selfish mode. Wonder what we missed. Hmmm…? We won’t know all we missed in this life. Those things that Jesus wanted to do in us. But, we had to have it our way. Right? Got to do it MY way! Oh, brother. Help us Lord. It is so sad to see a believer in Jesus who is just missing out on what it means to be a believer in 2023. To see Jesus actively moving in our lives every day. There is nothing like it. Well, if we’re not going to look to Jesus for leading throughout the day, we’re going to miss a lot of goodies in life. Not only that, but we’re missing out on eternal rewards too. That’s the big deal. It is a blessing to be able to be part of what Jesus wants to do in our lives each day. Every day is important. Every person is important. Every opportunity is important. We need a good shot of reality of what is really happening down here in the Matrix! People are lost. Hurting. Depressed. Sick. Despondent. Injured. People are under demonic attack. They need miracles. They need Jesus! We have Jesus! But, if we’re just looking at what we are doing, all involved in our own way, in our own thoughts and motivations, we’re probably going to miss His leading to help them. We can be so consumed with our own things that we will miss His things and what He wants to do in any given situation. Well, I hope I’m writing to some smart believers today! Believers who are willing to make the adjustments. Believers who want the will of God to flow through them. Believers who do not want selfishness over God’s will for them. Yielded believers who move with the Spirit in life. It’s a flow! Lets re-adjust our focus on what really is important. Lets line up our will with His will. Lets understand that doing it God’s way is THE way we do things. All day long. All night long. It’s really all about acting out in faith that which Jesus shows us to do every day. What a privilege it is!” KF

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