Deception Of The Matrix

By Ken Fletcher

“The deception of the matrix means you do not perceive the real. You do not understand who and where you are! You are believing what you perceive through the 5 natural senses. Through those natural senses, your soul is in contact with a fallen natural realm through a fallen natural realm body and brain. The Bible, in Romans chapter 12, talks about we believers are to renew our minds. (our soul) To what? To the truth of who we are in connection with God. To prove it out in our lives. What He has said. That it IS the will of God for us. That it’s really THAT good! It’s beyond good. It’s beyond any definition of what it is. So, the reality is, we have this amazing relationship with Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. We have the Kingdom in us now! Do we perceive what we have in our spirits now? Or are we too distracted through our 5 fallen natural senses! Humm…? Are we focusing on what’s going on around us in the fallen natural realm. Has all that realm got our attention? Then, we’re involved in the deception of the matrix. We’re not seeing right. We’re not understanding right. Our perception of reality is clouded at best. Perhaps even totally blind to reality of the spirit in our thinking. We’re thinking about what’s going on around us in the natural. Or, on what has happend to us in the past. There must be a focus change. If not, deception and fear will rule in our lives. It could be in all kinds of different degrees of deception. I’m talking about believers in Jesus here! Us! We know the deception is happening in the world. But, we should be seeing what’s really going on with us. Are we growing in our understanding of ourselves with the Lord? What truly has our focus? Outward things? What’s really important? Natural things? We are spirits! We’re not supposed to be in deception. We have Jesus! We have the truth! We should see things as they really are! We should understand why things are the way they are! But, truly, how many believers really do? So many are caught up in the natural realm with blinders on to what’s really going on. My prayer is that believers everywhere will awaken from the deception of the matrix!” KF

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