Control The Minds

By Ken Fletcher

“The Bible says that a one world government is coming on earth. The question is, when? They (satan and evil men and women) have been planning for years and years. Gaining more and more control through financial manipulation and wars, etc. Working toward their goal for generations.

There’s at least one main stumbling block to them achieving their objective. The USA. Though they have been somewhat successful here, they still are having some major issues with freedom fighters. As the Communism mentality is more accepted now through indoctrination in our universities, etc., we see the lines of opposition forming. It is much clearer now.

The distinction between light and darkness. Good and evil. It’s even clearer than before. What has been happening is spiritual. We are seeing satan’s will to control the people of the earth more pronounced in our day. With all the new technology that has been developed, he is using it to control the minds of the people.

All the main media is in the control of men and women who are unified in carrying out his plans. They are doing it his way for his purposes. Satan is the one who is responsible for the deceptions currently going on. Twisted truths into lies. Manipulated to get us to believing it his way.

Thinking in our minds it is one way, when in actuality it is another way! That is satan’s game! And, it is going on right now in the real matrix! Even through the Bible predicts a one world government in the last days, I believe we have something to do with when it happens. Can it be pushed back? Is it God’s will? I think it is! For the good of the people living on earth!

For the sake of my children and grandchildren, and your children and grandchildren, I hope the freedom fighters are successful. Otherwise, our kids will be facing some real issues in their lives on earth.

Since we have read the end of the Bible, we know where all of this is heading. The lies will be believed by many. But, there are those who know and understand what the real of the situation is.

The world desperately needs Jesus! We need His leadership and wisdom. There is so much at stake now. Though we may not be able to stop the rest of the world from going down into bondage and control, we can live for Jesus! We can do His will.

No matter what may be coming, we have eternity with Jesus! Because of that, we are victorious in Him! Yes, friend, this present world is temporary, But, Jesus is forever! There has never been a better time than this to receive Jesus for yourself. Put your trust in Him! Not in this world!

All that is here is deception and distraction. Evil cannot stand in the light of truth. Evil will one day be done away with forever. Those who are in Christ will see it come to pass. The world is a chaotic place full of lies.

What is good here on earth is God. All good comes from Him. All beauty comes from God. Every good thing originates from God. The evil and death that is here is because of fallen mankind and the demons. We must give ourselves to God through Jesus. Receive His free gift of eternal life. Be one with Him.

Then, we are in the light as He is in the light. There is nothing to fear then. We have Jesus! Though we have read the end of the book, where are you and I, exactly, in context of what is happening on earth now? Where do you and I stand?

The devil’s plan is in motion. Are we privy to what he is doing? It really is more out in the open and in our face now! The question is what are we doing about it? Have we heard from the Lord about it? Are we in faith or in fear?” KF

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