Clouded Perception

By Ken Fletcher

“When talking to most people, you find their conversation is based upon 1 realm only. The material realm. And, their interaction with it. They are completely consumed with it. Their minds are always upon it in one form or another. Their lives are consumed with it and their relation to it and other people who are also consumed with it.

Unknowing and unaware of anything in the other realm they are in. The spirit realm. They are blind to it. They may sense some things inside, but they do not understand or know how to interpret what they are sensing. The clouded perception of those who are lost keeps them in perpetual blindness of sight of the real in them.

What is coming in through the senses is where their focus is. And, most all the other people they are in contact with are also in the same state of blindness to the reality of the spirit realm. They are connected spiritually, but they do not perceive it right.

In this fallen state humanity is in, they think it is normal. They think being partially blind to their spirit is normal for people. It’s not! Not near! We are first and foremost eternal spirit beings. Who live in temporary fallen flesh bodies in contact with a temporary fallen world that eventually will be destroyed because of corruption.

Do people see things that way? Nope! But, that’s the way it is! They do not see how they really are in front of God! Many, through wrong concepts about Him, believe they are okay with God. Because of their blindness, they do not realize where they really are with Him! What He really has done for them.

So, we spread the good news to anyone who will listen on the earth. God loves you. God gave us Jesus to bring us into one-ness with God. It is a free gift to all who will come and receive. It’s for everybody! An open door from God! But, do people perceive it? Some will receive. Some will reject it. And, that is up to them individually. God does not force Himself on anybody. That is between them and God.

But, we look for those who will say yes! And, we’ll find them too! You don’t have to live in darkness of perception of the spirit realm. You can live in the spirit with Jesus and see!” KF

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