By Ken Fletcher

Many people have wrong concepts about those who are considered part of the so called, “faith movement”. Some feel that those who have embraced the message of faith have somehow “gone off the deep end”. They say, “Those faith people do not live in reality – they make their positive confessions and deny the existence of the negatives of life…”. This is a common misconception that many people hold to.

Actually, ALL Christians are part of the “faith movement” since ALL must receive the gift of salvation through faith. (Eph. 2:8-9) Everything that God has ever offered to human beings must be received from Him by faith. Not only that, but, in order to live for Christ, the very manner of our life must be one that is of faith. (Rom. 1:17, Gal. 3:11, Heb. 10:38, 2 Cor. 5:7)  Are people of faith not living in reality? Do they deny the existence of negatives in their lives?

In this article, I am moved to talk about problems and negatives and how Christians, people of faith, should deal with them.

If you are living and breathing on this earth – no matter who you are – rich or poor, tall or short, big or small, young or old, male or female. Whether you were born on the South side of the tracks or the North side, it makes no difference – you are going to have problems and trouble come your way!

Yes dear friend, no matter what you have been told, “faith people” have trouble and problems to deal with – maybe even more so since the devil is trying desperately to stop them from doing the will of God on the earth. There is one thing that you can count on for sure: if you “walk by faith”, problems are going to come your way. The wonderful thing that I am so joyful about telling you today is: You don’t have to let the problems and negative circumstances of life dictate your destiny!

Walking by faith in the Word of God is the most REAL way to live. God’s Word is the ultimate in REALITY. It goes far beyond the sense realm – beyond that which we can see or feel. God’s Word goes far beyond the realm of the emotions and logic. We who live by faith are learning to live in dependency upon the author the Bible and to simply go by what He has said. It does not matter that the present circumstances are contrary, God’s Word always remains the same. Bless His Name forever!

1 Corinthians 15:5 says, “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” The man who wrote this epistle, the apostle Paul, knew what it meant to experience great problems. Paul was one of the greatest men of faith that has walked on the earth, yet we know, as he served God, he faced many tough problems and circumstances in his life. But, (this is what I want you to get hold of here) he did not let those problems and trials keep him from victory!

You can experience victory no matter what has happened in your past. Even if you are presently down under problems and negative circumstances – God will give you victory! “For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.” (1 John 5:4)

If you are born of God, you are BORN an overcomer! YOU ARE BORN TO WIN! Hallelujah! Through faith in God YOU CAN CANCEL OUT THE NEGATIVES!

What do I mean when I say, “cancel out he negatives”? Friend, I am talking about the negatives of this ol’ negative world and the negatives of that ol’ negative, doubt filled, devil that have been coming against you! Cancel them out! Some may say: “How do I cancel out the negatives, brother Fletcher?” Well, for starters, you just begin to refuse to let them run your life anymore. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Have you had it with being worried, defeated, and depressed? Are you fed up with being under the barrel and down in the hole? Do you really want peace in the midst of the storm? That is where you start! When you are fed up and have had enough of living in the negative, there is hope for you. Do you REALLY want change? The next phrase is the important question. Are you willing to change YOU?

If you are, then you must begin to fill your mind and spirit with the positive seeds of God’s Word! You have to get rid of the old NEGATIVE ATTITUDES of: “I’m defeated, I’m weak, I’m sick, I’m poor, I can’t do it, I’m under, I’m worried and anxious, I’m depressed, God doesn’t love me as much as brother so and so, the devil is after me, I guess I’m just a loser, I’m a failure, well the Bible doesn’t work for me, there is no use to try anymore, I can’t win, and etc., etc.”. Those negative thoughts and beliefs are designed to keep you down and separate you from victory!

God says that YOU CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens you! (Phil. 4:13) Stop believing that negative junk and start believing what God says about you! CANCEL OUT THE NEGATIVES WITH THE POSITIVE TRUTH OF GOD’S WORD! Hallelujah!

Take control of your thought life, dear friend. Stop letting those thoughts of defeat and inadequacy run your life. How can you do God’s will if you are always thinking you can’t? Your thinking has much to do with your believing. If you keep thinking wrong long enough, those wrong thoughts will eventually get into your heart. What you believe in your heart will rise to the top in your life! You will simply act out your beliefs, positive or negative! It’s true! God is limited in your life because YOU limit Him.

It is so easy to get into that ol’ negative frame of mind. Believe me, I have been there too many times. But, Praise God, I am so happy to report to you, we don’t have to stay there! You can come out! You can change! It can be different for you. It all starts within you, dear friend. I am so glad to tell you that: you can cancel out the negatives and live in victory in spite of the problems!

1 Corinthians. 2:14 “Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place.” Now, I want you to notice that God ALWAYS causes us to triumph in Christ. Always means EVERY TIME! You need to get that down in your heart. Change your concept of yourself by beginning to speak positive faith words out of your mouth. Say what God says about you! Put yourself in agreement with Him. Say, “My God ALWAYS, (you ought to shout that three times) ALWAYS, ALWAYS causes ME to triumph in Christ!”

As you continue to fill your mind with the positive truths of God’s Word, your spirit will respond and begin to rise up in strength. Soon you will begin to see those ol’ negative problems much differently than before. You will begin to see them as opportunities to prove the validity of the Word in your life! Oh yes dear friend, you will begin to CANCEL OUT THE NEGATIVES in your life by standing on the forever settled truth of the Word of God.

In a world that is filled with negativism and unbelief, YOU CAN HAVE VICTORY! Though problems and trouble may come your way, there is nothing too big that you and God can’t handle. Through each trial and every problem, you can look at them with a victory attitude because YOU KNOW that you are an overcomer through Christ who is your source.

Your life will take on an eternal significance as you walk out the perfect will of God. No longer afraid of the unknown future, you step out with confidence. You know that God is with you! You march on through the problems in victory because you have learned to CANCEL OUT THE NEGATIVES!

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