Blindness Of Perception

By Ken Fletcher

“Unthankful people do not appreciate what Jesus has done for them today. They don’t think about what didn’t happen today. Of all the things that could have happened very badly in their lives. But, didn’t. Do they thank God? Do they understand why things are good for them? Do they understand why things are bad? People live day to day. Busy with their business. With them, there are so many things to think about and consider in the natural realm. Without any regard to where the good came from. Without a thought about the giver of good things. Nope! Not one thought! Yet, they experience goodness out of His hand everyday. Why are they that way? Blindness of perception! Not seeing or understanding themselves and the world correctly. Not regarding the Creator. Not thinking about where the good came from. Almost like it’s all taken for granted. Like they deserve all of this good. Like they are entitled to good happening. What is that? Pride! That nasty P word! Unthankfulness really is an expression of blindness. If they could see reality. They would see God in everything good clearly. They would see the devil behind everything bad. Clearly. They would see the angels in operation doing the will of God. They would realize instantly what is really going on around them. Folks, listen, I have been one of those I just wrote about above. It’s a terrible state to be in. It is huge blindness to reality. What is really going on? Blindness of perception of the real realm. The parent realm of the spirit. Where all of this material realm came from. Yet, in this fallen world we live in, many times we are so oblivious to what is going on behind the scenes. Why things are happening the way they are happening. What’s really behind it all? What is the source? If you are reading this, aren’t you just a little bit curious obout what is really real? I’m telling you, this present realm is drenched in falseness! Control is the goal. Unthankful people can’t see it. They won’t perceive it. They are completely mesmerized with the natural realm. Completely saturated and consumed with the realm of the senses. Blind as a bat to the spiritual realm. No wonder the demons like to keep people in this dull state of spiritual understanding. People are completely blind to the demon’s maneuvers against them! Why? Pride. Unthankfulness. Selfishness. It keeps them blind to the truth of reality about themselves and the spirit realm. And, of course, it keeps them blind to Jesus. Listen friend, here’s the deal, these people think they are sonething else than a spirit. There are many things they may think is true about themselves, but do they think of themselves as they REALLY are? I say, no. If they could see the reality of themselves in regard to the spiritual realm. And, if they could realize the truth of Jesus and why He came to earth, oh how things would be different for them. But, it’s the blindness and deception of the matrix. And some people do not want to be unplugged. They do not want to know. They are too busy with the natural realm stuff they are involverd in. They believe the natural realm is all there is. Or, they just are so consumed with the natural realm that the spiritual blindness they are living in is ignored. Friend, this realm is NOT all there is. And, YOU are in touch with both realms! Even if you don’t realize it, you ARE a spirit being just like your Creator. You, the spirit that you are, will live forever somewhere. But, how much attention and focus are you placing on your spirit? You don’t have to stay in unthankfulness. Take a look around you. Think about how good God is to you. Even if you are experiencing some bad stuff right now, haven’t you experienced good in days gone by in this life? Then, you have experienced God. To be thankful is to understand what is behind the good–The One who gave the good to us. If it’s good, it’s God! If it’s bad, well, you know where that came from. The enemy of man, satan and all is bunch. I am convinced that a thankful heart sees the real. And the unthankful heart is blind to the real. Let’s stir each other up to be thankful hearts. Realizing, as I’m typing this right now, I look at all the good that come to me today! Look at all the bad that did NOT happen today! Can you say this with me right now, Thank you, dear Lord Jesus. You are so good to me!” KF

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