Blind To Reality

By Ken Fletcher

“People have their attention on the smoke and mirrors of the matrix. Not seeing the reality behind the works. Only looking at the movement. The action. That is what they are focusing on. The fallen natural realm. Do people perceive that it is indeed fallen–full of lies and deception? Nope! Most are focusing on the play by play of politics, sports, movies, the new TV show, the news. houses, cars, the job, the fashion of the day, and on and on it goes. That is what has their attentiion! Do they realize about those evil spirits behind things. Manipulating circumstances. Do they realize the angels in operation? Do they know what’s REALLY going on? Nope! They don’t! They don’t have a clue. They are being led around by cause and effecct in the fallen natural realm. Most times, they are completely unaware of the enemy’s working in their lives. Blind to reality! Caught up in the physical natural realm. Not realizing they are spirits inside of natural fallen realm bodies. They have no perception of the real of the spiritual realm. The parent realm. The one we all live in. But, how many know they live in the spiritual realm all day and night? Just like they do in the natural realm. Only, they are blind to perceiving the spiritual realm. That is where most folks are. Even some believers. Even though they are alive in Christ in their spirit, they are consumed with life in the natural realm. It’s easy to do. It’s about our focus. What we choose to pay attention to. If you’re a believer, you should be looking inside your being for truth. Since the fallen natrual realm is filled with deception, it’s in your heart that you can perceive the real of your life. Your new created spirit that is in Christ. That is where Jesus is. That is where you will receive from the Spirit of Truth. Light. Direction. Understanding. Fellowship with the Father. In short, REALITY. So, don’t keep your attention focused on the natrual realm and natural realm understanding. Focus on the true with Jesus inside! The real of things. You do not have to be living in a fog, like others are, to the deception of the matrix. You can see the real along with Jesus!” KF

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