By Ken Fletcher

Contrary to the belief of some, real Bible faith is not complicated. It cannot be worked up or manufactured. It is not achieved through complex formulas or processes. It cannot be bought or sold. It is free to everyone, and it comes to us simply by hearing God’s Word.

Romans 10:17 says:  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.”

How powerful is the Word of God to the person who hears, believes and acts upon it? It is so powerful that a lost person, who is separated from the life of God and headed for Hell, can hear the Word of God concerning Salvation, just one time, and the greatest, most powerful of all miracles can take place in his life. I know – I have seen it happen many times!

I am writing this today because I’m convinced that many people have over-complicated the Word of God! Listen to these facts about the Word: It is simple! It works for everyone who believes! It is universal! No one is excluded! It can be applied to your situation right now! It never fails!

I challenge you to throw away the wrong ideas that may have confused you about God’s Word and what He will do. Stop listening to the voices of doubt, reason and logic. You see, reason and logic are subject to the Word! Believing God’s Word will dissolve your doubts like light dissolves darkness.

Big faith is simple faith! God has designed it that way so all people, no matter what their status is, can hear, believe, and receive His wonderful will for their lives. Yes dear friend, you can receive His best for your life today!

I know this teaching does not tickle the ear. It is not a, so called, “new revelation”. But I promise you, this is where the rubber meets the road! This is what works! Real Bible faith is simple! No matter how much you may grow in your faith, you must always abide in the simplicity of God’s Word.

God’s Word is solid, eternal, unchangeable, and immovable. In Matthew 24:35, Jesus said: “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.”

Faith in God works so simply that a little child becomes our example. In Mark 10:15 Jesus said: “Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the

kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.”

God always does what He says He will do. Ezekiel 24:14 says: “I the LORD have spoken it: it shall come to pass, and I will do it; I will not go back, neither will I spare, neither will I repent…” Hebrews 6:18  “…it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation…” Titus 1:2  “…which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began.”

Simple faith just relies on the integrity of God. Simple faith does not ever question IF God will do what He says, it just accepts the Word as fact and then acts upon what God said.

Many years ago, I was a first grade Children’s teacher at my church. I remember how easily these kids would believe and receive God’s Word. The simplicity of their faith was precious. They had no problem receiving from God.

For instance, as I taught them from the Word that God wants to heal their bodies, they simply accepted it and said, “Okay”. Later, when one or another got sick, they would say, “Brother Ken, pray for me and I will feel better ’cause I know that God will make me well.” I did and God did! They were healed so simply! They did not doubt God’s Word, and just received. Glory to God!

Many times God healed those kids while I was their teacher. It would happen so easily and effortlessly for those little ones. I began to understand, even more vividly, what Jesus meant about people receiving His Word as little children. These kids had BIG FAITH because it was SIMPLE FAITH!

Does God perform His Word because of the age of a person? Of course, not. What, then, is the vital common factor? It is the simple belief that a child has. He simply believes what God says is truth. In his heart he accepts it, is fully convinced it is so, and is totally reliant upon God’s integrity. Then, he just acts upon what he knows is so about God.

I remember one time, when my daughter was about 3 years old, I stood her up on the counter in the kitchen. Then, I moved back about three feet from the counter, dropped my arms to  my side, looked at her in the eyes, and told her to jump to me and I would catch her. She did not hesitate and jumped to me KNOWING that I would catch her! How did she know? My arms were down. To her, it looked like if she jumped, that she would fall. But, she simply believed my word. She believed in her heart that what I said I would do, I WOULD DO. It was just that simple. If a child can trust in and believe her earthly father’s word and act upon it without hesitation, how much more should we trust in and believe our heavenly Father’s Word (who CANNOT lie) and act upon it without hesitation!

May we all become more like little children in our simplicity of believing our heavenly Father’s Word. Dear friend, no matter how much you grow spiritually in faith, be sure to always KISS; Keep It Simple Saint!

                                         With love, Ken

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