Awakening To Jesus

By Ken Fletcher

“We are preparing for the Awakening. When will it really break out? I’m not sure on the timing. I know it will be amazing when it really arrives in full. I believe it is more than just a national happening. I believe it will be spread all over the world in different places.

Do we believe it? Are we expecting it? What will it really be like? I believe it will be like no other revival in history. What will God do in the hearts of men? Well, I am looking forward to those days. I believe they are coming.

Are we ready? Are we believing? What does it mean? It means people will be waking up to the truth of where they really are with God. The deception will be rolled back by the Holy Spirit and people will be able to perceive reality in different degrees. They will be exposed. Many will respond. Many will reject it and draw back into the dark. But, I believe the world will change because of it.

Where is the real problem with mankind today? It’s the heart of man! It’s the unbelief. It is against God. Who will win out in the end? Ungodly men or God? Well, I want to be on the right side of things with God. That is my choice. I believe soon many will awaken to the truth of Jesus and what He has done for us all. Are you expecting it too?” KF

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